Quotables from Week Ending July 2, 2015

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This week Salem finished up with a blood bath ending to the Witch War, Zoo premiered, proving you'd best be careful what you feed your animals and Suits reinforced the old saying that you should never, ever discuss your salary with others in the work place.

See what quotes tickle your fancy when you scroll through the slideshow. Have a wonderful holiday weekend. Be free!

1. For centuries, mankind has been the dominant species. We've domesticated animals, locked them...

The zoologist

For centuries, mankind has been the dominant species. We've domesticated animals, locked them up, killed them for sport. But what if all across the globe, the animals decided, 'no more?' What if they finally decided to fight back?

Robert Oz
For centuries, mankind has been the dominant species. We've domesticated animals, locked them up, killed them for sport. But what if all...

2. Haven't you ever seen a movie? Puppies fix everything. You said you were lonely, so I got a...

Taking back the club power

Holly: A puppy? You bought me a puppy?
Tommy: Haven't you ever seen a movie? Puppies fix everything. You said you were lonely, so I got a bitch for my bitch.

Holly: A puppy? You bought me a puppy? Tommy: Haven't you ever seen a movie? Puppies fix everything. You said you were lonely, so I got a...

3. Lose my sister to casually date you.

The head master mistresses

Joss: Nothing, Harry. I just, you know, I didn't, I didn't do this for this.
Harry: You didn't do what for what?
Joss: Lose my sister to casually date you.

Joss: Nothing, Harry. I just, you know, I didn't, I didn't do this for this. Harry: You didn't do what for what? Joss: Lose my sister to...

4. Well, if you have to ask...

Louis vs harvey suits

Gretchen: I prefer my men manly.
Harvey: Am I not manly?
Gretchen: Well, if you have to ask...

Gretchen: I prefer my men manly. Harvey: Am I not manly? Gretchen: Well, if you have to ask...

5. Morning beautiful, sorry I'm late. I wish I could blame it on the traffic, but somehow I...

Wayward pines betrayal

Morning beautiful, sorry I'm late. I wish I could blame it on the traffic, but somehow I don't think that'll fly.

Big Bill
Morning beautiful, sorry I'm late. I wish I could blame it on the traffic, but somehow I don't think that'll fly.

6. Oh. The young man here, he got a dynamite anecdote.

Ani true detective

Ani: His insurance had these forms. Items likely stolen from his place. We can put out pawn sheets on them. What'd you guys get?
TD: Oh. The young man here, he got a dynamite anecdote.

Ani: His insurance had these forms. Items likely stolen from his place. We can put out pawn sheets on them. What'd you guys get? TD: Oh....

7. You are a beautiful monster, and there are those who could love you and shall.

Mr roper threatens ethan penny dreadful

I'm sorry you feel so unloved. You are a beautiful monster, and there are those who could love you and shall. Life awaits you.

I'm sorry you feel so unloved. You are a beautiful monster, and there are those who could love you and shall. Life awaits you.

8. We had a deal, right, Joe? You’re gonna honor that agreement because you’re not the reptilian...

That stings halt and catch fire

We had a deal, right, Joe? You’re gonna honor that agreement because you’re not the reptilian son of a bitch that everyone says you are. You’re a changed man.

We had a deal, right, Joe? You’re gonna honor that agreement because you’re not the reptilian son of a bitch that everyone says you are....

9. Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world.

Elliot must decide mr robot

Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world.

Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world.

10. I want to show the world that I can do more than stand there and look pretty.

Her own story the astronaut wives club

I want to show the world that I can do more than stand there and look pretty.

I want to show the world that I can do more than stand there and look pretty.

11. You think you're the first soldier that had trouble leaving their family behind? Huh? During...

Going home the last ship

You think you're the first soldier that had trouble leaving their family behind? Huh? During World War II, English naval captains put their wives and children in bunkers in London and went back out to sea to fight the Nazis for years.

Jed Chandler
You think you're the first soldier that had trouble leaving their family behind? Huh? During World War II, English naval captains put...

12. You know, Buzz, at the end of this ride along, I rate your performance based almost entirely...

4th of july body major crimes

You know, Buzz, at the end of this ride along, I rate your performance based almost entirely on my mood.

You know, Buzz, at the end of this ride along, I rate your performance based almost entirely on my mood.

13. Looks like we're all still here.

Dead air scene defiance s3e4

Pottinger: Listen, had you shot me the whole base would have exploded.
Amanda: (shoots him in the leg) Looks like we're all still here.

Pottinger: Listen, had you shot me the whole base would have exploded. Amanda: (shoots him in the leg) Looks like we're all still here.

14. He said it was a game. He said I would get a prize if I won, and I did. I found daddy.

Remembering their past the whispers

He said it was a game. He said I would get a prize if I won, and I did. I found daddy.

He said it was a game. He said I would get a prize if I won, and I did. I found daddy.

15. Because such powers come from the devil himself.

Showdown salem

Anne: Cotton, I'm still your Anne. The woman who loves you.
Cotton: No, no. Witches are the very embodiment of evil.
Anne: Cotton.
Cotton: I thought you were the very embodiment of good.
Anne: So why can't I use my power for good? To make the world a better, fairer place.
Cotton: Because such powers come from the devil himself.

Anne: Cotton, I'm still your Anne. The woman who loves you. Cotton: No, no. Witches are the very embodiment of evil. Anne: Cotton....

16. Or really bad.

Scott mccall photograph

Scott: We've been pretty much in the middle for awhile. Which means at some point the scale has to tip one way or the other. Things are going to get really good again-
Stiles: Or really bad.

Scott: We've been pretty much in the middle for awhile. Which means at some point the scale has to tip one way or the other. Things are...

17. I'd do it myself, but I'm burned...and apparently not...handsome or some -- I'm a grandma or...

Up against hollywood aquarius

I'd do it myself, but I'm burned...and apparently not...handsome or some -- I'm a grandma or something.

I'd do it myself, but I'm burned...and apparently not...handsome or some -- I'm a grandma or something.

18. I love it all. French toast, French fries..

The body farm rizzoli and isles

Jane: What kind of French food do you love?
Angela: I love it all. French toast, French fries..

Jane: What kind of French food do you love? Angela: I love it all. French toast, French fries..

19. It's the time honored enforcement of the food chain. The weak are outed and then eaten.

Being stalked scream

It's the time honored enforcement of the food chain. The weak are outed and then eaten.

It's the time honored enforcement of the food chain. The weak are outed and then eaten.

20. That is how fascism starts. No, no partner.

Getting to know you extant

Computer: Would you like a partner?
JD: Heh. Kills me you still ask.
Computer: I'm a computer, I have to follow the rules.
JD: That is how fascism starts. No, no partner.

Computer: Would you like a partner? JD: Heh. Kills me you still ask. Computer: I'm a computer, I have to follow the rules. JD: That is...

21. We don't gloat, Ahmed. Not over the death of innocents. Not even when they are the enemy.

Barry finds refuge tyrant

Ahmed: If you had gassed them, just so you know, I would have said it was the right thing to do. It's what I would have done. After what they did yesterday, I think they deserved it.
Jamal: We don't gloat, Ahmed. Not over the death of innocents. Not even when they are the enemy.

Ahmed: If you had gassed them, just so you know, I would have said it was the right thing to do. It's what I would have done. After what...

22. My foot's asleep. A cop can’t walk around with one foot asleep.

Chris diaz photo

My foot's asleep. A cop can’t walk around with one foot asleep.

My foot's asleep. A cop can’t walk around with one foot asleep.

23. If only it were that simple.

Regression therapy

Charles: Don't worry about what other people expect you to do, do what's right for you.
Zed: If only it were that simple.

Charles: Don't worry about what other people expect you to do, do what's right for you. Zed: If only it were that simple.

24. Shoot, I was looking for food.

Common ground under the dome

Junior: Excuse me, there are some people in there looking for you.
Christine: Shoot, I was looking for food.

Junior: Excuse me, there are some people in there looking for you. Christine: Shoot, I was looking for food.

25. We'll never know that. Radley doesn't print out a year book.

Hanna marin photo

We'll never know that. Radley doesn't print out a year book.

We'll never know that. Radley doesn't print out a year book.

26. Yeah. I'm not OK with Linus wearing my sweatshirt.

Suspicious colleagues stitchers

Cameron: You're OK with co-workers dating?
Kirsten: Yeah. I'm not OK with Linus wearing my sweatshirt.

Cameron: You're OK with co-workers dating? Kirsten: Yeah. I'm not OK with Linus wearing my sweatshirt.

27. Your best friend is a werewolf. You are dating a werecoyote. I still don't know what Kira is...

Night terrors teen wolf

Your best friend is a werewolf. You are dating a werecoyote. I still don't know what Kira is suppose to be. When the flying monkeys come soaring through this station you will have my undivided attention. Until then, just go to school.

Sherriff Stalinski
Your best friend is a werewolf. You are dating a werecoyote. I still don't know what Kira is suppose to be. When the flying monkeys come...

28. Alive.

The search heats up hannibal

Hannibal: How will you feel when I'm gone?
Jack: Alive.

  • Permalink: Alive.
  • Added:
Hannibal: How will you feel when I'm gone? Jack: Alive.

29. Sometimes pain is a gift. It tells us what needs fixing and what needs to heal.

Asking for money complications

Sometimes pain is a gift. It tells us what needs fixing and what needs to heal.

Sometimes pain is a gift. It tells us what needs fixing and what needs to heal.

30. Is she your partner or your boss?

Dutch and davin in sugar point killjoys

D'avin: Is she your partner or your boss?
John: She's my partner. Boss. Partner-Boss, whatever. So?

D'avin: Is she your partner or your boss? John: She's my partner. Boss. Partner-Boss, whatever. So?

Wait! There's more! Just click "Next" below:

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TV Quotes, Photo Galleries
Zoo, Killjoys, Defiance, Power, Salem, Wayward Pines, True Detective, Penny Dreadful, Halt and Catch Fire, The Last Ship, Major Crimes, The Whispers, Teen Wolf, Tyrant, Proof, Rizzoli & Isles, Pretty Little Liars, Stitchers, Scream, Extant, Suits, Mr. Robot, The Astronaut Wives Club, Mistresses, Aquarius, Hannibal, Complications, Rookie Blue, Under the Dome
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TV Quotes Slideshows, Photo Galleries Slideshows, Zoo Slideshows, Killjoys Slideshows, Defiance Slideshows, Power Slideshows, Salem Slideshows, Wayward Pines Slideshows, True Detective Slideshows, Penny Dreadful Slideshows, Halt and Catch Fire Slideshows, The Last Ship Slideshows, Major Crimes Slideshows, The Whispers Slideshows, Teen Wolf Slideshows, Tyrant Slideshows, Proof Slideshows, Rizzoli & Isles Slideshows, Pretty Little Liars Slideshows, Stitchers Slideshows, Scream Slideshows, Extant Slideshows, Suits Slideshows, Mr. Robot Slideshows, The Astronaut Wives Club Slideshows, Mistresses Slideshows, Aquarius Slideshows, Hannibal Slideshows, Complications Slideshows, Rookie Blue Slideshows, Under the Dome Slideshows
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TV Quotes Quotes

Amanda: You don't know how you made it to the surface?
Nolan: No, but the purple skins do.
Amanda: Purple skins?
Nolan: I'll tell you on the way

Conquer! Kill! Devour! Put it on a T-shirt so you don't forget.

Doc Yewll