Quotables from Week Ending April 23, 2015

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What were some great quotes? Check these out from the week ending April 23, 2015.

1. The first time I kissed my wife, she wasn't my wife then, she was just this girl in a bar....

Derek says goodbye greys anatomy s11e21

The first time I kissed my wife, she wasn't my wife then, she was just this girl in a bar. But when we kissed, it was like, I gotta tell you, it was like I'd never kissed any other woman before. It was like my first kiss. The right kiss.

The first time I kissed my wife, she wasn't my wife then, she was just this girl in a bar. But when we kissed, it was like, I gotta tell...

2. You didn't summon us, we came because it's time to talk. Oh, and you left your front door...

There be witches bitten

Nick: I can't believe we summoned witches.
Ruth: You didn't summon us, we came because it's time to talk. Oh, and you left your front door unlocked.

Nick: I can't believe we summoned witches. Ruth: You didn't summon us, we came because it's time to talk. Oh, and you left your front...

3. Oh yes you are. Deep dish pizzas, strawberry daiquiris. You like the finer things in life.

Steve mcgarrett picture

Grover: Can I get a strawberry daiquiri?
Steve: Did you say strawberry daiquiri?
Grover: I am comfortable in my manhood brother.
Steve: Oh yes you are. Deep dish pizzas, strawberry daiquiris. You like the finer things in life.

Grover: Can I get a strawberry daiquiri? Steve: Did you say strawberry daiquiri? Grover: I am comfortable in my manhood brother. Steve:...

4. It's not what Valhalla did to me, it's what I do in Valhalla.

Facing an enemy lost girl

It's not what Valhalla did to me, it's what I do in Valhalla.

It's not what Valhalla did to me, it's what I do in Valhalla.

5. Vera, you experienced things today you don't understand. You're trying to deny it, but you...

A mysterious object the messengers

Vera, you experienced things today you don't understand. You're trying to deny it, but you feel it. Nothing is random. Nothing. Is it coincidence? Everything is happening for a reason, and you have an important part to play.

The Man
Vera, you experienced things today you don't understand. You're trying to deny it, but you feel it. Nothing is random. Nothing. Is it...

6. Aye, same to you my friend.

Standing trial outlander

Claire: If you really are a witch, now would be the perfect time to use your powers.
Geillis: Aye, same to you my friend.

Claire: If you really are a witch, now would be the perfect time to use your powers. Geillis: Aye, same to you my friend.

7. What do you want to figure out, Nick? How a Grimm and a Hexenbiest can live happily ever after?

Rosalee and juliette

What do you want to figure out, Nick? How a Grimm and a Hexenbiest can live happily ever after?

What do you want to figure out, Nick? How a Grimm and a Hexenbiest can live happily ever after?

8. Jesus, don't these people know you never even finished high school?

Sarah pursues helena orphan black s3e1

Sarah: She wants my help saving Leda and Dyad.
Felix: Jesus, don't these people know you never even finished high school?

Sarah: She wants my help saving Leda and Dyad. Felix: Jesus, don't these people know you never even finished high school?

9. It seems there's little you don't hang men for. Or women.

Cotton returns

Mary: No, it is you who are at risk. You operate her under my approval, yet they call you necromancer and speak of corpse bothering.
Wainwright: I doubt very much anything bothers a corpse.
Mary: Do not jest doctor. We hang men for such things in Salem.
Wainwright: It seems there's little you don't hang men for. Or women.

Mary: No, it is you who are at risk. You operate her under my approval, yet they call you necromancer and speak of corpse bothering....

10. Oh, you must be Flanders' new dog. I just want to apologize in advance for the things I'm...

Tv fanatic placeholder

Oh, you must be Flanders' new dog. I just want to apologize in advance for the things I'm gonna blame on you.

Oh, you must be Flanders' new dog. I just want to apologize in advance for the things I'm gonna blame on you.

11. Good thing I had my brakes serviced, Darling. I do hate getting blood on the car.

Cruella has a past with the author once upon a time

Good thing I had my brakes serviced, Darling. I do hate getting blood on the car.

Cruella de Vil
Good thing I had my brakes serviced, Darling. I do hate getting blood on the car.

12. Good boy.

Brian griffin pic

Peter: I missed you Brian.
Brian: I missed you too Peter.
Peter: And now Im gonna go upstairs and pee in Meg's bed.
Brian: No, we're going to go pee in Meg's bed.
Peter: Good boy.

Peter: I missed you Brian. Brian: I missed you too Peter. Peter: And now Im gonna go upstairs and pee in Meg's bed. Brian: No, we're...

13. With respect your grace, the free folk will never follow you. No matter what you do.

Its black and white game of thrones

Stannis: I ordered Mance Rayder burnt at the stake. You prevented that order from being carried out. You showed mercy to Mance Rayder. The King's word is law. Perhaps you should ask Ser Davos how much mercy I show to law breakers. Show too much kindness, people won't fear you. They don't fear you, they don't follow you.
Jon: With respect your grace, the free folk will never follow you. No matter what you do. You're the man who burned their King alive.

Stannis: I ordered Mance Rayder burnt at the stake. You prevented that order from being carried out. You showed mercy to Mance Rayder....

14. Why don't you just write down all your dreams so I can shit on them?

Peggy olson picture

Peggy: This is supposed about my job, not the meaning of life.
Don: So you think those things are unrelated?
Peggy: I didn't know you'd be in a mood.
Don: Do you want to do this or not?
Peggy: Why don't you just write down all your dreams so I can shit on them?

Peggy: This is supposed about my job, not the meaning of life. Don: So you think those things are unrelated? Peggy: I didn't know you'd...

15. I'm terrified that everything is about to come undone because of me, and trust me, Ems, that...

Nolan ross photo

I'm terrified that everything is about to come undone because of me, and trust me, Ems, that is my nightmare because this has been the best part of my life. It's why I held on to that stuff. It's my infinity box. And it's why I still call you Ems when the rest of the world knows your real name. I hate that I failed you. I don't want to lose you.

I'm terrified that everything is about to come undone because of me, and trust me, Ems, that is my nightmare because this has been the...

16. This may come as a surprise to you, Camille, but I'm not a terribly good person.

Klaus mikaelson on the originals

This may come as a surprise to you, Camille, but I'm not a terribly good person.

This may come as a surprise to you, Camille, but I'm not a terribly good person.

17. Can I please have a little emotional escapism while we trace his phone?

Coming together scorpion

Can I please have a little emotional escapism while we trace his phone?

Can I please have a little emotional escapism while we trace his phone?

18. Thank you all for being here. I had this dream when I was little of a home where the door was...

Family dinner bates motel s3e7

Thank you all for being here. I had this dream when I was little of a home where the door was open and friends could come and go and stay for dinner and talk. And everything would be lovely. Thank you all for giving me that.

Thank you all for being here. I had this dream when I was little of a home where the door was open and friends could come and go and stay...

19. Worst bachelor party ever?

Rick castle photo

Kate Beckett: But Castle, why would you be abducted on our wedding day and end up in Thailand?
Rick Castle: Worst bachelor party ever?

Kate Beckett: But Castle, why would you be abducted on our wedding day and end up in Thailand? Rick Castle: Worst bachelor party ever?

20. Eh, you waited this long.

Telling secrets jane the virgin

Xo: Well, honey, you can't compromise who you are.
Jane: A virgin is not who I am.
Xo: But it's important to you.
Jane: So is Rafael. I love him. I want it to work.
Xo: And you think having sex with him will make it work?
Jane: What's your problem? You have been bugging me to lose it for years.
Xo: Eh, you waited this long.

Xo: Well, honey, you can't compromise who you are. Jane: A virgin is not who I am. Xo: But it's important to you. Jane: So is Rafael. I...

21. I told you I was pregnant, and you killed yourself.

A surprising choice the returned

Rowan: You told me you were happy. You said I saved you.
Simon: What did I do? What are you talking about?
Rowan: I told you I was pregnant, and you killed yourself.

Rowan: You told me you were happy. You said I saved you. Simon: What did I do? What are you talking about? Rowan: I told you I was...

22. This isn't like your dad, Barry. When your dad was put away, you were a kid, there wasn't...

Det eddie thawne the flash s1e2

This isn't like your dad, Barry. When your dad was put away, you were a kid, there wasn't anything you could do. But you're not a kid anymore, you're a scientist. Hell, you're The Flash! You are gonna find Bates and you are gonna clear me, so go do it.

This isn't like your dad, Barry. When your dad was put away, you were a kid, there wasn't anything you could do. But you're not a kid...

23. I'm a social worker. My insurance covers like one bandaid a year.

Detective liv izombie s1e6

I'm a social worker. My insurance covers like one bandaid a year.

I'm a social worker. My insurance covers like one bandaid a year.

24. That's not funny because this is my life. It's not a game.

A knight of chess weird loners

Eric: A rook can travel the entire length of the board in one move. I bet it feels like you're soaring on the clouds of heaven.
Caryn: Or walking ten feet in a bad Halloween costume.
Eric: That's not funny because this is my life. It's not a game.

Eric: A rook can travel the entire length of the board in one move. I bet it feels like you're soaring on the clouds of heaven. Caryn: Or...

25. Ahh! I'm not letting you get anywhere near my car. Sorry, Dad, but I'm a mortal.

Hiding his relationship forever

Henry: I'll drive.
Abe: Ahh! I'm not letting you get anywhere near my car. Sorry, Dad, but I'm a mortal.

Henry: I'll drive. Abe: Ahh! I'm not letting you get anywhere near my car. Sorry, Dad, but I'm a mortal.

26. I would get mad at you, but I walked myself right into that one.

Cyber bullying csi cyber

Mundo: There are no pictures anywhere in here. It is like she didn't have any friends.
Avery:That's cute you still think teenagers print out photos. That's what social media is for.
Mundo: What are picture frames for?
Raven: Parents, grandparents, old people.
Mundo: I would get mad at you, but I walked myself right into that one.

Mundo: There are no pictures anywhere in here. It is like she didn't have any friends. Avery:That's cute you still think teenagers print...

27. Johnson, is that your last name?

Coulson and ward meet agents of shield

Skye: Johnson, is that your last name?
Cal: Was... pretty ordinary huh? I changed it to something more sinister when I went on the run.
Skye: Daisy Johnson... huh.

Skye: Johnson, is that your last name? Cal: Was... pretty ordinary huh? I changed it to something more sinister when I went on the run....

28. I wish that I could change your mind about staying here, but I know I can't. Just like I know...

Is felicity a target

I wish that I could change your mind about staying here, but I know I can't. Just like I know that leaving you here is going to destroy me. I don't regret a single moment. And you shouldn't either. You have done so much. You have saved so many people's lived and you have changed so many for the better, including mine. Knowing you has changed my life. You've opened up my heart in a way I didn't even know was possible. I love you.

I wish that I could change your mind about staying here, but I know I can't. Just like I know that leaving you here is going to destroy...

29. No, she's just really bad at math.

Gone bowling modern family s6e20

Haley: I hope I can be as cool as you guys in 30 years.
Gloria: Does she think we're fifty?
Mitch: No, she's just really bad at math.

Haley: I hope I can be as cool as you guys in 30 years. Gloria: Does she think we're fifty? Mitch: No, she's just really bad at math.

30. [makes a call] It's done. Will you come get me?

Protecting her job dig

Debbie: It's been a very long week for us, Josh. The lord has been testing us. Looking up at those stars, all I see is beauty reflected back in all of creation. I can't help but see a message. A message that we're on the right path. A path of righteousness.
Joshua: [makes a call] It's done. Will you come get me?

Debbie: It's been a very long week for us, Josh. The lord has been testing us. Looking up at those stars, all I see is beauty reflected...

31. That's not possible. You will always be the unforgettable Juliette Barnes.

Juliette barnes photo

Juliette: What if I become irrelevant at 25?
Avery: That's not possible. You will always be the unforgettable Juliette Barnes.

Juliette: What if I become irrelevant at 25? Avery: That's not possible. You will always be the unforgettable Juliette Barnes.

32. You’ve been shot multiple times since then, spent three months in prison, and your best...

Fbi special agent james aubrey bones s10e1

You've been shot multiple times since then, spent three months in prison, and your best friend died in your arms. Isn't that enough trauma for you?

You've been shot multiple times since then, spent three months in prison, and your best friend died in your arms. Isn't that enough...

33. At the end of the ceremony, all the students throw those pointy hats in the air. It's all...

Leonard out with penny

Sheldon: Aren't you afraid of being blinded?
Leonard: How would I be blinded?
Sheldon: At the end of the ceremony, all the students throw those pointy hats in the air. It's all pomp and circumstance until someone loses an eye.

Sheldon: Aren't you afraid of being blinded? Leonard: How would I be blinded? Sheldon: At the end of the ceremony, all the students throw...

34. Okay except nobody cleans rugs like that anymore because we don't live on the Waltons.

The competition the odd couple

Oscar: I didn't just win, I beat you like a dirty rug.
Felix: Okay except nobody cleans rugs like that anymore because we don't live on the Waltons.

Oscar: I didn't just win, I beat you like a dirty rug. Felix: Okay except nobody cleans rugs like that anymore because we don't live on...

35. This is funny. I mean, it's not funny, but it kind of is, I guess. You've saved my life...

Olivia pope

This is funny. I mean, it's not funny, but it kind of is, I guess. You've saved my life multiple times and all I can do is sit here, hold your hand, and hope that you don't die. And I'm sorry, Jake. For all of this. You were right. We never should have left that island.

This is funny. I mean, it's not funny, but it kind of is, I guess. You've saved my life multiple times and all I can do is sit here, hold...

36. I did what my father asked me to do.

Rollo enters the throne room vikings

Lagertha: Why did you not tell us earlier. Did you not trust us?
Bjorn: I did what my father asked me to do.
Floki: But Bjorn...
Bjorn: It was the way he wanted to do it and he is still king. And he succeeded, he got us into Paris. And now we have even more spoils.

Lagertha: Why did you not tell us earlier. Did you not trust us? Bjorn: I did what my father asked me to do. Floki: But Bjorn... Bjorn:...

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TV Quotes
Hawaii Five-0, Lost Girl, The Messengers, Outlander, Grimm, Orphan Black, Salem, The Simpsons, Once Upon a Time, Family Guy, Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Revenge, Scorpion, The Originals, Bates Motel, Castle, Jane the Virgin, The Returned, The Flash, iZombie, Weird Loners, Forever, CSI: Cyber, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Arrow, Modern Family, DIG, Nashville, Bones, The Big Bang Theory, The Odd Couple, Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, Vikings, The Vampire Diaries, The Blacklist, Bitten
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TV Quotes Quotes

Amanda: You don't know how you made it to the surface?
Nolan: No, but the purple skins do.
Amanda: Purple skins?
Nolan: I'll tell you on the way

Conquer! Kill! Devour! Put it on a T-shirt so you don't forget.

Doc Yewll