Pretty Little Liars Season 6B: Explosive New Pictures!

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Are you strong enough to carry your secrets?

That is the bold tagline in the most recent poster for Pretty Little Liars Season 6B and it has us ecstatic with excitement as we get ever closer to the premiere. 

We know that this season is going to feature a whole lot of change for our five liars, so we've created a slideshow that will shed some light on just how much has changed for each liar. 

No one can resist secrets, so get up to speed on what's changed right now. 


1. The Poster To End All Posters

These girls are never far away from secrets and if this new poster is to be believed, then there could be more secrets than ever before. We have a lot of questions, but first, we want to know who the heck is dying. Mona, is that you?!

2. What's She Hiding?

Ezria is old news. Aria has found a new man. His name is Leo and she works with him. She has a job in publishing that forces her to work with Ezra, but don't expect Mr. Fitz to be the same as when we left him. His life has changed and he's turned to alcohol to cope. We know from the trailers that Aria is hiding something, but we have no idea what it is. Could she be cheating on Leo with Ezra? We'll have to tune in for the truth!

3. California Bound

Emily says goodbye to Rosewood and hits up California. Isn't that where Paige lives? If you watched the Five Years Forward special, then you already know that they do reconnect, but will it last? Emily quit school after her father passed away and she's working in a bar. Marlene King has teased that Emily will be the most damaged from the trauma the girls faced from A's torment. We're intrigued!

4. Hefty Hanna, who?

Hanna bid adieu to Rosewood and moved to New York with Caleb, but she's engaged to someone else when we return. We do get to see their very small apartment, but don't expect much in the way of a relationship. Hanna seems loyal to her new man. She's working in the fashion industry, so she's constantly working away. Look for Caleb and Toby to be very close five years later.

5. That's Mrs. Rollins To You

Alison is a teacher. She's also getting set to care for Charlotte as she gets ready to be released. She's married to her sister's doctor and she still has a whole lot of beef with Mona. In a sneak peek for Season 6, we got to see Mona show up in her classroom and then listened at the door as Alison called someone to declare that she was back. Will Ali finally take Mona out for good?

6. I Don't Have Time For Toby

Spencer doesn't quite have her dream job yet, but she's on a path to getting it. She left Toby behind in Rosewood (He still works for Rosewood Police Department!). She continues to be the most mature out of the girls and she needs to keep her name out of the muck more than ever this time round because her mother is running for senate.

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Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Fine, but we should go talk to Ezra. If he has any information on Varjak, we need to know.


Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
