Pretty Little Liars Pics from "Surfing the Aftershocks"

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Photos from Pretty Little Liars "Surfing the Aftershocks" have been released. Enjoy!

1. The Liars Unite

As the school buzzes with word of Ali's return, the Liars unite for a pow wow in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

2. A Get Well Card

Who is Mona wishing well? Mrs. D. is dead. Maybe an odd welcome home to Alison. Find out in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

3. Mona Tells a Tale

Mona is always telling tales, and no doubt she's telling a great on in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

4. Why Would I Sign This?

Hanna doesn't seem impressed with Mona's attempt to be a good girl in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

5. Aria Doesn't Look Happy

What on earth are Mona and Aria talking about? Find out in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

6. Lovely, Scheming Mona

Mona's Army is gathering forces. Meanwhile, she talks with Aria in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

7. Emily With Sydney Driscoll

Sydney is a new gal in Emily's life first appearing in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

8. Chloe Bridges as Sydney Driscoll

Bridges joins Pretty Little Liars as a new swim team gal and potential love for Emily.

9. Emily Talks to Sydney

Emily is chatting with a smiling Sydney in the halls in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

10. Oh Really, Thinks Mona

Mona looks dubious in this photo from "Surfing the Aftershocks."

11. Waiting for Queen Bee

The mourning queen hasn't yet shown in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

12. Alison in Mourning

Alison is mourning the death of Mrs. D in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

13. Ali Mourns her Mom

There is a lot of time spent mourning, but most of it was for Ali. This time she's grieving in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

14. Ali Takes the Stairs

Greeting the mourners for her mother, Alison hold the crowd's attention in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

15. Looking Over their Shoulders

The Liars never look comfortable mourning and the same holds true in this photo from "Surfing the Aftershocks."

16. Three Little Liars

They look kind of disgusted. Enough with Ali's lies, perhaps? "Surfing the Aftershocks."

17. Ali Chats with the Liars at Mom's Funeral

Everyone is mourning the loss of Mrs. DiLaurentis in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

18. Emily Rocks a One Piece Short Jumpsuit

Let's be honest. The best thing about this photo from "Surfing the Aftershocks" is Emily's choice of attire for what might be a funeral.

19. Something for Jason

Spencer hands Jason a message in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

20. Jason Reads the Message

Jason reads the message that Spender delivers in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

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Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Fine, but we should go talk to Ezra. If he has any information on Varjak, we need to know.


Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
