Pretty Little Liars Photos from "Miss Me x 100"

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Pretty Little Liars "Miss Me x 100" is the 100th episode of the series - and we have photos for you!

1. Here She Comes!

The Liars see Ali make her approach in her return to Rosewood. How will it go?

2. We Have to Greet Her!

The Liars seem confused about the approach of Ali in "Miss Me x 100."

3. How Will the Core Four Recognize Ali?

It's not going to be easy accepting Ali back into the fold. How will it play out in "Miss Me x 100"

4. Paige and Sydney

Sydney was once a love interest for Emily. WTF is going on here?

5. Mona Doesn't Rock the Shorts

Sorry Mona, you don't have the fashion sense to rock the shorts like Emily. Looks like PJs.

6. Queen Bee at School

The Queen Bee has arrived at Rosewood High. Let the rumors begin!

7. Oh, It's You.

Ali meets Mona in a darkened room because it's the best place for the two to swap challenges.

8. What Do You Want Mona?

Could Ali look any more put out if she tried? Love it!

9. Ali Head Held High

Ali doesn't let a little meet up with Mona get her down in "Miss Me x 100."

10. Poor You, Moan-a

You know Ali doesn't think much of her old friend and listening to her moan is a problem.

11. Ali and Mona Take 5

It's all downhill from here. Just watch "Miss Me x 100" to find out.

12. Travis, You're Sexy

Hanna seems smitten with Travis, as she should be, in "Miss Me x 100."

13. Yeah, We're Adorbs!

Team Travis or Team Caleb? It's not going to be easy to choose, if you ask me.

14. Yeah, I'm Cool

In his dreams, Lucas imagines he's cool. This photo from "Miss Me x 100" proves he's not.

15. Heeeey Caleb!

Caleb is back from Ravenswood. Did he bring any spooky remnants with him?

16. Ezra is Entranced

Whatever they're watching is entrancing the local teacher hanging with the teens in "Miss Me x 100."

17. Spoby For the Long Haul

Spencer and Toby are in it for the long haul, if "Miss Me x 100" is any indication.

18. Ali and Emily Engaged in TV

What are they watching?? See "Miss Me x 100" to find out.

19. No Hanna and Caleb in this Shot

Core couples minus two. Guessing the sequence of these photos is killer!

20. The New Core Couples of PLL???

These seem like couples that hold weight. Are they the new core couples of PLL? Find out in "Miss Me x 100."

21. Core Couples of PLL Watch TV

What the hell are they doing? Are Emily and Ali together? "Miss Me x 100"

22. Hey Handsome

Hanna sees Caleb at the coffee shop in "Miss Me x 100."

23. Good to See You

Hanna and Caleb meet up in "Miss Me x 100" after time apart.

24. Wait! Don't Go!

Hanna doesn't want Caleb to go in "Miss Me x 100." Who can blame her?

25. Caleb's Outta Here

Yikes. "Miss Me x 100" isn't the best reunion we could have hoped for in "Miss Me x 100."

26. That Didn't End Well

The conversation between Haleb seemed to be going so well in "Miss Me x 100" and then.. what is that face, Hanna?

27. Caleb Looks Left

The hot spot in town for coffee. Caleb looks left in "Miss Me x 100."

28. Jenna...Blind or Not?

It's like a game show. Will we ever believe Jenna is blind even if she claims her sight has gone again?

29. Mona's Army in Waiting

Is Mona's Army waiting for Lucas to say something profound in this photo from "Miss Me x 100"?

30. Lucas Trying To Look Cool

Let's be honest, no matter how hard he tries, Lucas will never be cool.

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Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Fine, but we should go talk to Ezra. If he has any information on Varjak, we need to know.


Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
