Pretty Little Liars Photos from "How the 'A' Stole Christmas"

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37. Aria and Santa - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

Can Holbrook shed any light on Spencer's arrest? Hopefully Aria asks Santa!

38. Hey You - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

Officer Holbrook takes up the Santa disguise. What does he want with Aria?

39. Ali and her Minions - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

Who are the new girls with Ali? Will they join the show on a more permanent basis?

40. The Ice Queen Cometh - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

There are Ice Queens all over television sets this year, right?

41. Big Party - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

Here's a look at the entire group as Ali prepares to spoil the fun.

42. The Gathering Christmas Crowd - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

The crowd gathers. Guess who is coming into the big party!

43. An A! - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

This isn't your regular Christmas party outfit... it's an A!

44. Terror on the Horizon - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

With a look of horror, it appears Ali is ready to make her entrance.

45. Catching Their Eyes - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

Everyone turns to look at the door. Is this when Ali arrives?

46. Watching the Arrival of the Ice Queen - Pretty Little Liars

Prepare for Ali to turn heads when she arrives at the Christmas dance.

47. Saturday Night Fever - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

Doesn't Paige look like she's channeling John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever? Looking smart, girl!

48. Slow Dancing - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

It looks like they get a chance to have a little bit of romance in an otherwise interrupted night!

49. What's Next? - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

It has to be getting old with the girl who came back to life ruining their lives.

50. The SOs - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

With the exception of Toby, the Significant Others look on.

51. Spencer and Hanna - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

Spencer and Hanna are experiencing the same defeat.

52. Aria and Emily - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

Aria and Emily look like the wind has been taken out of their sails.

53. It Looks Urgent - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

Emily looks as if she's about to bolt. What could be so urgent?

54. I'm So Pretty - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

Alison is preparing to gaze into the mirror. Will she like what she sees?

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Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Fine, but we should go talk to Ezra. If he has any information on Varjak, we need to know.


Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
