Pretty Little Liars: 11 Questions We Need Answered

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Pretty Little Liars is really ending. 

We have just 10 episodes left after the current run, so we'll need to savor it while it lasts. 

Considering the amount of questions thrown our way over the past 7 seasons, we best be treated to many answered in the days ahead.

Specifically, to these questions...

1. Why Is Jenna Still Going After the Liars?

The liars apparently blinded her, but her sight returned for a while. She's been going after the liars for like 12 years. Why has she not done something big sooner?

2. What Was Andrew Really Up To?

Andrew Campbell flew relatively under the radar until he started getting close to Aria and acting super sketchy. We never got confirmation of his true intentions, but it's time for us to find out.

3. What Really Happened To Mrs. D?

The matriarch of the DiLaurentis family was killed a few seasons back, but we never found out who done the deed.

4. Who Killed Shower Harvey?

She was a terrible character, but we need to know whether Noel really killed her. Chances are, he's taking the fall for someone else.

5. Why Was Noel Helping Charlotte?

It seems pretty evident that Noel was helping Charlotte based on the fact he was part of the dollhouse plot, but why?

6. Who Is Mary Drake's Other Kid?

Mary Drake has another kid, but we don't know who the heck it is. The evidence points to Noel being the kid, but would the show really be THAT predictable.

7. Is Wren A?

Wren has been a suspect pretty much since the series kicked off. He was always hanging around Radley and just being generally sketchy. Considering Dr. Rollins is really English and has a thing for wearing masks, could Wren have been wearing a face all along? They're both apparently doctos...

8. Who Put Blood In Spencer's Bag?

Remember when Spencer had blood in her bag in London? We need the truth about what really happened with that.

9. Why Did Eddie Lamb Recognize Aria?

Could Aria be Mary's child? Aria Drake, anyone?

10. Who Killed Charlotte?

Charlotte seemed to be on a road to recovery and the new A clearly didn't like her. Who could have killed her?

11. Why Did A Bring The Pink Steaks Back?

One of the more odd questions surrounds the fact that A dolled Aria up like it was 2010. Why?

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Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Fine, but we should go talk to Ezra. If he has any information on Varjak, we need to know.


Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
