Paul Wesley Previews The Vampire Diaries Season 7

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The premiere of The Vampire Diaries Season 7 is almost here and we're at the end of our set visit interviews. We were lucky enough to grab a moment to chat with Paul Wesley while we were in Atlanta.

Among our topics of conversation were: Steroline, timelines, and Stefan's hero hair. Wesley also reflected on what it's like to play the same character for seven years and how the new cast members have brought new energy to the set. 

Sit back and click play! You'll want to hear what Paul Wesley has to say about The Vampire Diaries Season 7.

1. Paul Wesley Previews The Vampire Diaries Season 7

What's coming for Stefan Salvatore when The Vampire Diaries Season 7 returns? TV Fanatic sat down with Paul Wesley to get some answers!

2. Paul Wesley Gives Steroline Scoop!

Listen up, #Steroline fans! Paul Wesley's giving us the scoop on where we will find Stefan and Caroline on The Vampire Diaries Season 7!

3. Paul Wesley Talks Timelines on The Vampire Diaries Season 7

We all love flashbacks in The Vampire Diaries universe, but when The Vampire Diaries Season 7 returns we're getting flash FORWARDS. Read on!

4. Paul Wesley Reflects on Stefan Salvatore, Flashbacks

When will we get our first flashback of The Vampire Diaries Season 7? Paul Wesley teases a return to the past and discusses Stefan Salvatore

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
