Once Upon a Time Photos "New York City Serenade"

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These Once Upon a Time photos are courtesy of the show's 2014 premiere.

The episode is titled "New York City Serenade."

1. What's Happening Here?

What is happening between these two over dinner? It's hard to tell if Emma is moved by what he's saying or unhappy. We'll have to wait until Once Upon a Time returns to find out.

2. A New Beau

Who is the man with Emma? The dinner looks lovely. Has she found a new boyfriend now that she has no memory of Neal or Capt. Hook?

3. Her Memory Is Gone

With her memory gone, why should Emma believe the impossible story that Hook is telling her? We can only hope that he's convincing.

4. She Doesn't Know What to Think

A son, a new boyfriend, and a pirate who asks her to return to the fairy tale world. Without any memory of her past it's no wonder that Emma doesn't know what to think.

5. Using that Knife

Hopefully Emma isn't planning on using that knife on Hook. "New York City Serenade" airs on Sunday, March 9th on ABC.

6. Fitting Back In

Neal seems to be fitting back in to life in the Enchanted Forest. Wherever he's headed he certainly looks determined.

7. The Dwarves

The Dwarves are back in the Enchanted Forest when Once Upon a Time returns from its winter hiatus.

8. The Dwarves Look Happy

The Dwarves look happy but we hear that things may take a turn for the worse in the Enchanted Forest.

9. Has It Been Awhile?

Has it been a while since Charming and Grumpy have caught up and how long have they been back in the Enchanted Forest?

10. Is Charming Ready for Battle

Prince Charming looks ready to do battle. Then again he was the one who looked forward to heading back to the Enchanted Forest.

11. Missing Emma?

We're sure that Snow is missing Emma but she still has one heck of a smile when Once Upon a Time returns.

12. Still the Evil Queen

Regina certainly still looks the role of the Evil Queen when Once Upon a Time returns on Sunday, March 9th.

13. Can Hook Convince Emma?

Looks as though Hook interrupts dinner. Can he convince her that she has family and friends in the fairy tale world?

14. Disappointing News

Since Emma isn't with him, we're assuming that Hook has brought back disappointing news for those in the Enchanted Forest.

15. Awaiting News from Hook

Snow White and Prince Charming await news from Capt. Hook about Emma and Henry when Once Upon a time returns from its winter hiatus.

16. Not Such Good News

Whatever Neal is telling Snow and Charming, it doesn't appear to be good news. Once Upon a Time returns on Sunday, March 9th on ABC.

17. Neal and Charming

Neal and Charming look serious. Do you think Neal is still pining for Emma now that he's back in the Enchanted Forest?

18. Hook Has News

Has Capt. Hook returned with news of Emma and Henry? "New York City Serenade" is the 12th episode of the show's third season.

19. Philip and Aurora

What's headed towards Philip and Aurora when Once Upon a Time returns from its winter hiatus?

20. Prince Philip and Aurora

Prince Phillip and Princess Aurora certainly look to be happy and in love when Once Upon a Time returns from its winter hiatus on Monday, March 9th.

21. On the Run

What's got Aurora and Phillip on the run? Obviously something isn't right in the Enchanted Forest.

22. Is Regina Frightened?

Belle, Neal, Regina. No one looks happy back in the Enchanted Forest.

23. Dour Faces

Everyone looks upset and there is blood on Prince Charming's shirt. What has befallen the fairy tale world and can Emma save them when Once Upon a Time returns on Sunday, March 9th?

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Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
