Once Upon a Time Photos from "Witch Hunt"

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Check out these pictures from Once Upon a Time Season 3 Episode 13.

They feature Rebecca Mader as The Wicked Witch and a lot more.

1. Ready For a Fight

Looks like everyone in the Fairy Tale world is ready for a fight on Once Upon a Time. "Witch Hunt" is the 13th episode of the show's third season.

2. Looking Towards the Sky

Does everyone looking at the sky mean that more evil flying monkeys are on the way on Once Upon a Time?

3. Neal's Journey

After years of running from him, Neal's now determined to find his father but is Rumpelstiltskin still alive?

4. Fairy Tale Wardrobe

Which fairy tale character has the best wardrobe? Who's your pick for best dressed?

5. Fairy Tale Boots

Who is the shoemaker in the Enchanted Forest. Everyone has really great boots.

6. Don't Mess With Regina

Don't mess with the Evil Queen. She looks as though she wants another shot at the flying monkey.

7. Who Is This Young Child?

Who is this young child? Could he have something to do with Robin Hood?

8. Save the Child

Regina and Prince Charming are both running to save the child on Once Upon a Time.

9. A Stuffed Monkey

How did Regina find a stuffed monkey in the middle of the Enchanted Forest?

10. Granny's Back

Will Granny and the dwarves be on board to recapture the castle on Once Upon a Time.

11. Back to the Castle

Everyone looks very serious. Perhaps they're discussing how to get their castle back in "Witch Hunt"

12. Looking Horrified

Why does Mary Margaret look so horrified? Hasn't she done this once before?

13. The New Face in Town

Who is the new face in town? She wasn't in Storybrooke a year ago.

14. Snow's Making Friends

Snow's making friends but does she have any idea who it is she's talking to on Once Upon a Time?

15. Not Quite Old Friends

Why do these two look like old friends? Is it a part of the new curse on Once Upon a Time?

16. Pregnancy or Strategy

Are these three talking about the baby on the way or a strategy for breaking the latest curse in "Witch Hunt"

17. Can Emma and Regina Work Together

Can Emma and Regina work together to figure out how everyone was returned to Storybrooke and who crafted the curse that brought them there?

18. Does Henry Remember?

Looking at Regina's expression, we wonder if she just found out that Henry doesn't remember anything about her.

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Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
