Once Upon a Time Photos: "There's No Place Like Home"

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Check out these photos from Once Upon a Time Season 3 Episode 21.

Is there really no place like home?

1. So Content

David and Mary Margaret look so content with their newborn son in their arms on the season finale of Once Upon a Time.

2. Celebration at Granny's

Every gathers at Granny's to celebrate the safe return of the David and Mary Margaret's baby boy.

3. Emma Hugs Her Parents

Emma hugs her parents as they present their son to the residents of Storybrooke in the season 3 finale of Once Upon a Time.

4. Her Baby Brother

What's it like to have a baby brother who is 30 years your junior? Only Emma Swan would know.

5. Flannel Shirts

Did Henry have this many flannel shirts in New York City? Perhaps Emma needs to take him shopping for something a little stylish.

6. Looking So Happy

Everyone looks so happy. But this is the season finale so we can't imagine that will last long.

7. Ruby's Back

Even Ruby made it to the party. We've seen so little of her this season. This time her outfit is much more subdued than what we're used to seeing her wear.

8. Rumpel and Belle

Rumpel and Belle show up for the occasion but Belle doesn't look happy. Any chance she's figured out that Rumpel switched daggers already?

9. A New Addition

The new addition certainly makes this one big happy family. We can only hope it will last but we're certain there must be another twist headed their way.

10. Regina Looks Concerned

Regina looks concerned. Does she already know that Zelena has disappeared. At least she's got Robin Hood by her side to deal with the consequences.

11. They Have No Idea

Hook and Emma have come to celebrate. We're betting they have no idea that another trip to the Enchanted Forest is headed their way.

12. The Proposal

Is this the moment that Charming asked Snow White to marry him? We certainly hope that no one stumbles upon them to mess it up and change the future.

13. Not In Storybrooke Any More

Well, Hook and Emma certainly aren't in Storybrooke any more. Can they make their way back while not changing the future for themselves or their friends on the season 3 finale of Once Upon a Time.

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Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
