Once Upon a Time Photos from "It's Not Easy Being Green"

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Check out these photos from Once Upon a Time Season 3 Episode 16.

"It's Not Easy Being Green" will shine a bright light on The Wicked Witch.

1. Saying Their Last Goodbye

All of Storybrooke comes out to say their last goodbyes to Neal on Once Upon a Time.

2. Mystery Guests

We wonder, who are these mystery mourners at Neal's funeral?

3. Not Leaving Her Side

As Emma stands by her son, Hook hasn't left her side on Once Upon a Time.

4. Belle Mourns Neal

Belle and Neal worked together to save Rumpelstiltskin. Unfortunately Neal had to sacrifice his life to do it.

5. Being There For Her Son

Now Emma has to help Henry deal with the loss of a father he doesn't even recall.

6. Emma Buries Neal

Emma and Neal's relationship was never easy but she never wanted to see it end like this.

7. The Blindfold

We can only imagine why the Dark One is blindfolding Zelena. We can't wait to find out in "It's Not Easy Being Green"

8. They Look Close

It's obvious that there's more history between Zelena and Rumpelstiltskin than we realized.

9. Zelena's Back Story

It looks like we might find out about Zelena's back story in "It's Not Easy Being Green"

10. The Dagger

Zelena's having a little too much fun wielding that dagger over Rumpelstiltskin. We can't wait to see the day it backfires.

11. How Scared Should They Be?

How scared should David and Mary Margaret be about Zelena's interest in their unborn child?

12. Protecting Her Family

Can Emma protect her new baby brother or sister from the Wicked Witch?

13. Enslaving Rumpelstiltskin

With Rumpelstiltskin as Zelena's slave, the rest of Storybrooke may be in big trouble.

14. Sharing the News

So when do you think Zelena will share the news with Regina that they're really sisters?

15. Anger Issues

From the look on her face, we'd say that Zelena has some serious ange issues to work out.

16. Not Going Well for Regina

Things are definitely not going well for Regina now that Zelena has come out of hiding. "It's Not Easy Being Green" is the 16th episode of the show's third season.

17. Looking the Part

Zelena is definitely looking the part of the Wicked Witch. The green gloves are a nice touch.

18. Regina's Red Gloves

We don't know where Regina's headed but we love the red leather gloves and killer heels.

19. Granny is Shocked

After all she's seen, what could put that shocked expression on Granny's face?

20. A Public Confrontation

Zelena and Regina have a very public confrontation in the streets of Storybrooke.

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Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
