Once Upon a Time Photos from "A Curious Thing"

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Click through pictures here from Once Upon a Time Season 3 Episode 19.

Get an idea now of what's to come on "A Curious Thing."

1. Waiting for the Baby

Everyone is waiting for Snow's baby to be born but can they keep Zelena from using the child to go back in time and kill Eva?

2. Regina Has the Book

It looks as though Regina has the book that helped Belle figure out that Zelena plans to go back in time to change the past. Can she figure out a way to stop her?

3. Grumpy Looks Perplexed

Grumpy looks perplexed. Maybe he's having trouble figuring out what to say to Henry since the boy has no memory of his fairy tale roots.

4. Henry and Grumpy

Will Henry ever remember that he's actually speaking with Grumpy, one of Snow White's seven dwarves?

5. Can She Stop the Wicked Witch?

Does Glinda the Good Witch have the power to stop Zelena, the Wicked Witch. Charming and Snow must think she can help.

6. Glinda the Good Witch

Charming and Snow go in search of Glinda the Good Witch in the fairy tale land of the past on Once Upon a Time.

7. Marked for Death

Henry has no idea that he is marked for death by the Wicked Witch on Once Upon a Time. "A Curious Thing" is the 19th episode of the show's third season.

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Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
