Once Upon a Time Photos: "Enter the Dragon"

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Regina goes undercover with the Trio of Darkness. Check out these photos from Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 15, "Enter the Dragon" which is  scheduled to air on Sunday, March 15th on ABC.

1. Regina Goes Undercover - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 15

Regina goes undercover to infiltrate the Queens of Darkness but will Maleficent, Ursula and Cruella de Vil believes she's gone back over to the dark side?

2. Scared in Storybrooke - Once Upon a Time

Will Emma, Hook, Mary Margaret and David be able to keep an eye on Regina when she tries to get close to the newest villains in Storybrooke?

3. Meeting of Villains - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 15

Not sure how this meeting between villains is going but we love that hat and the 1940s look.

4. A Special Request - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 15

Elsewhere, Hook has a special request for Belle and it's something she didn't expect. Could this have something to do with his past with Ursula?

5. Belle Doesn't Look Happy - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 15

Whatever it is that Hook is asking of her, Belle doesn't look the least bit happy about it.

6. Oh My! - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 15

Hook, Will Scarlett, and Belle. We can only imagine what they are all talking about!

7. Sharing a Look - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 15

Hook and Will are sharing a very pointed look between them. What on earth has Belle asked of them and does it have anything to do with Mr. Gold?

8. Being Chastised - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 15

Will looks like a little boy being chastised. We can't wait to find out more about he and Belle's relationship.

9. Belle's Smile - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 15

At least Will seems capable of making Belle smile. We haven't seen much of that since she banished her husband from town.

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Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
