Once Upon a Time Midseason Report Card: Sinking 'Ships, Big Twists and More!

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Even in its sixth season, Once Upon a Time continues to captivate viewers with an epic world where fairytales and soap operas combine.

This season, a big focus has been on the mythos surrounding being the Savior, and Emma's internal struggle as she comes to grip with a peek into her future – one that will ultimately lead to her death.

We've also had a glimpse into the Land of Untold Stories, where Jekyll and Hyde, Cinderella, and the Count of Monte Cristo had continuations of their well known tales.

And then there's Agrabah, and the introduction of Aladdin, Jasmine, and Jafar, a storyline that we've only just begun to scratch the surface on.

All the while, the usual players, Rumplestiltskin, the Evil Queen, and Zelena have been creating their usual kinds of havoc, as Storybrooke continues to be the town where everything that can go wrong will go wrong.

What do we think of Once Upon a Time Season 6 so far? What stories have left us scratching our heads? Which 'ship are we excited to see more of? Who is this season's MVP? We answer all of that and more below!

Once Upon a Time returns in March, but don't forget, you can watch Once Upon a Time online right here at TV Fanatic and get caught up on the action before it makes its way back to your televisions!


1. Season 6 MVP So Far: Regina/Evil Queen

We don't understand how Lana Parrilla has been denied Emmy recognition for her role on Once Upon a Time. She carries the show weekly with her incredible performances as both Regina and the Evil Queen. It's hard to say which side of her we prefer more. The Evil Queen may be unhinged, but she's a lot of fun to watch, while Regina continually packs emotional punches that remind us why we fell in love with her in the first place years ago.

2. Character We Need More Of: Snow White

It's been rough to see Snow White on the sidelines for so long. Now she's back in the forefront, but it still doesn't feel like we see her enough, especially when she's been saddled with a storyline that keeps her asleep 50% of the time. Is it too much to ask that we get some bad-ass Snow White scenes in the second half of the season?

3. 'Ship We Can't Wait to See Again: Outlaw Queen

The mid-season finale left us with new questions about Regina's future, in wake of David's wish that the Evil Queen would get exactly what she deserved. The two pieces of the Evil Queen DID get just that; while the evil half was turned into a snake, Regina was reunited with Robin Hood in the alternate universe created by Emma's mind. Will Regina enlist Robin's help in getting back to Storybrooke? Is this Robin a carbon copy of her lost love? Is this the beginning of Outlaw Queen 2.0? We can't wait to find out!

4. Biggest Let Down: Aladdin in Storybrooke

It's not that we don't love Aladdin, Jasmine, and Jafar – in fact, we LOVE them. That's why we've been a bit let down by the lack of story for them. We're hoping that their tale will pick up the pace, especially because we need more Jafar.

5. Twist That Gave Us the Most Questions: The Black Fairy

It seems to be a little late in the game to give Rumplestiltskin some mommy issues, doesn't it? The reveal that his mother is the evil Black Fairy, who steals children, certainly fits the character. And it leaves us with many questions; why hasn't this come up until now? Why was he the one child she didn't want? Why does she have such a vested interest in Gideon? Perhaps most important: who will play the role of this new Big Bad?

6. Biggest Eye-Roll: The New Sleeping Curse

Haven't Snow and David been through enough already? We get it: the show centers around this tentpole couple that “always find their way back” to each other. But can't they experience something new that keeps them apart? Why another sleeping curse?

7. Sinking 'Ship: Rumbelle

The writers have done a solid job this season of showing that Belle and Rumple are a bad fit for each other. But let's get real: Beauty and the Beast is a tale as old as time. The real question is how will they bring Belle and Rumple back together in a way that feels organic and makes us forgive Rumple for all of the sins he's committed to our beloved Belle.

8. Best Episode: “The Other Shoe”

We loved this episode about Cinderella and her step-sister. It showed that even the best known fairytales can have successful spin-off stories that feel right for the characters in them. Plus, who doesn't love a good Cinderella story?

9. Weakest Episode: “Dark Waters”

Considering that this episode focused on Captain Hook, we expected a bit more from it. But alas, this episode about going 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was a bit dry. This was a trip down memory lane for Killian that we didn't really need to see.

10. Character Who Said Goodbye Too Soon: Mr. Hyde

Mr. Hyde was a unique and fun villain, with outstanding charisma and just the right touch of creepiness. He and the Evil Queen teaming up seemed like a match made in the stars. Which is why it was so shocking that we bid him a farewell so quickly into Season 6. Having him stick around just a bit longer would have been preferable, and probably more engaging than the Evil Queen/Rumplestiltskin team up that we had to endure.

11. Most Improved Character: Henry

Henry has been great this season. He's used for all of the right emotional scenes with Emma and Regina, and even got a love story of his own with Violet. This kid has come a long way in the last six seasons, and successfully navigated his way into being a major player for the heroes. We've also loved the way that Emma's future hasn't been sugar-coated for Henry. He's mature enough to handle what's headed his way.

12. Storyline We're Tired of Repeating: Zelena's Allegiances

The writers need to decide is Zelena is good or wicked...and stick with that choice. Zelena's continually changing allegiances are becoming frustrating and tiresome. Zelena deserves better than this. She'd be a kick-ass good guy. She'd be an excellent villain. She just needs to decide which one it's going to be sooner, rather than later.

13. 'Ship That Needs More Screen Time: Captain Swan

Emma and Killian are in True Love. They're living together. But we haven't really seen much of them this season. With Emma's impending death coming down the line, we expected more scenes featuring the show's most popular pair. Hopefully we'll get a bigger dose of Captain Swan in the second half of the season.

14. Mystery We Need Solved: David Becoming James?

Maybe we've been missing something, but David's new identity crisis seems to have come from nowhere! David is one of the good guys, and we think that his frustrations are tied directly to his sleeping curse – not that he's becoming evil, like his brother.

15. Biggest Surprise (Maybe): The Hooded Figure

For months, we speculated about who might be under the hood, and who would be the person that would kill Emma. When it came down to it, the reveal that it was Gideon, Belle and Rumple's son, felt a bit anti-climatic, especially when just moments before we learned that Gideon had been kidnapped by the Black Fairy and that time moves differently on Dark timelines. Giving us that information basically spelled out the identity of who was under that hood. That being said, it's still an interesting twist that we're excited to see play out.

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Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
