Once Upon a Time at Comic-Con: Going Dark, Welcoming Merida and More

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Just how dark will Emma get? What sort of change will we see in Rumplestiltskin? And which Brave character is on her way to Storybrooke?

Answers to these questions and many more were provided during the Once Upon a Time panel at Comic-Con in San Diego.

Scroll down for some major Once Upon a Time Season 5 spoilers and tidbits and check out the official Comic-Con teaser HERE.

1. The Dark Swan Will Rise

A sneak peek at Season 5 depicted Emma killing a peasant, while Jennifer Morrison teased: "Emma went through a lot in her life. She had a tough childhood. She’s had to overcome a lot of things. She’s tried to be the bigger person. Now that she’s tethered to the darkness, she’s free of that … She’s going to face the darkness in herself and figure out how to overcome it."

2. A New Wrinkle for Rumple

Rumple will be in a coma when we next see him, but: "The incarnation of Rumple this time around is slightly different," Robert Carlyle said. "He’s lost his mantle as the Dark One, but that’s not to say he doesn’t have that trickery about him. He still has that."

3. A Sign of Brave-ry

Brave is coming to Once Upon a Time! A special sneak peek at Season 5 showed off new character Merida and her totally awesome archery skills.

4. Camelot is Coming

And Hook may have a connection to the new characters. Camelot: "Camelot exists in a parallel timeline," executive producer Adam Horowitz explained. "It’s existed. How we portray it and show you, it’s existed long ago, short ago and maybe in the future. It may have co-existed with [when Hook was in the Royal Navy]."

Wait! There's more Once Upon a Time at Comic-Con: Going Dark, Welcoming Merida and More! Just click "Next" below:

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Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
