Lucifer Season 2: 15 Best Moments So Far

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Lucifer has given us plenty to love so far this season. 

Dan and Lucifer teamed up as did Chloe and Maze. Trixe became the President of Mars and Charlotte tried her hand at cheesy noodles. 

There were so many great moments (and we're only halfway through the season!) it was hard picking our favorite 15.

What is your favorite moment so far? What did we miss? Check our list and share your thoughts!

There is a bit of bad news with this post, however. Lucifer Season 2 has been trimmed from 22 episodes to 18. What? No! Yes.

"We designed this season to be an 18-episode arc because we originally were going to be 18 episodes. But then we got four more! Surprise!” co-showrunner Joe Henderson explained on Twitter on Thursday.

“So we decided to create four episodes that let us play around a bit. Dig deeper into the character stories, play with format a bit, etc. We didn’t know whether they’d air this season or next until now. Now we do. So bad news is you need to wait for them. And I know that sucks.”

Whether that means a super-sized Lucifer Season 3 is unknown. But you are missing NOTHING from the arc that was set out to end this season, so breathe easy.

Lucifer returns on Monday, May 1 at 9/8c on FOX.



1. The Kiss

Our hearts burst with excitement when the kiss finally happened. Lucifer may have questioned whether or not it was real, but we know that their romance is very real! Lucifer may be confused right now, but he'll get back on track! We hope!

2. Charlotte Cooks

Charlotte's arrival on earth didn't start out so well, but she tried to make it up to Lucifer. After seeing a commercial for macaroni and cheese Charlotte tried her hand at the best comfort food in the world. What a good mum.

3. Crazy Amenadiel

While Dan and Lucifer were on the case, Amendiel decided to let loose after a few drinks. His goofy dance embarrassed Lucifer, but we thought it was pretty cute.

4. Best Partner Ever

Charlotte tried to convince Chloe to turn against Lucifer, but the bond between the two was much too strong. Instead Chloe told the jurors just how much Lucifer meant to her.

5. Dan and Charlotte Sitting in a Tree...

Dan didn't know what was in store when he and Charlotte locked lips. He might have had the time of his life, but her certainly didn't enjoy the uncomfortable aftermath.

6. Dan Does Improv

In one of the funnier moments of the season, Dan does a perfect imitation of Lucifer. He may have thought it was funny, but Lucifer wasn't amused.

7. It's Karaoke Time

It was a fun night for the girls who got a little toasty and decided to stretch their vocal chords a bit by getting onstage and singing for the crowd. The night was full of adventure and fun for everyone involved!

8. Lucifer Morningstar, Tour Guide

Wouldn't you have loved to have been on this tour? While searching for Mum, Lucifer decided to liven it up a bit by taking over for a rather boring tour guide. It's a tour everyone will remember!

9. Lucifer and Dan - Macho Men

Lucifer spent the episode following Dan around like a puppy dog and tried to copy his every move. They ended up in a steam house and all we have to say is wowza!

10. Lucifer and Chloe Forever

Chloe broke the rules and save the day and the Lux for Lucifer. She let her hair down and Lucifer led her in lively and adorable dance.

11. The Killer Takes Over

It wasn't funny when this murderer got the best of Lucifer, but we loved the one liners Lucifer couldn't help but say. No, Lucifer we won't tell anyone about this crazy moment in your life.

12. The Big Reveal

We had been waiting for a long time for Dr. Linda to finally believe what Lucifer was telling her. He had to show his true face for her to really believe, and she didn't take it very well. It didn't last long, though. Soon, Dr. Linda was back on Lucifer's team where she belongs!

13. Lucifer Sings

We love every moment Lucifer is at the piano. This time he was belting out "All Along the Watchtower" and finished up right before Mum showed up at his door!

14. Maze the Badass

Maze will do anything for her friends, even those she just met. Did anyone have any doubts she'd win this battle?!

15. Trick or Treat

Maze taking Trixie out trick-or-treating was lots of fun. We especially loved that Maze helped her become what she really wanted to be for Halloween - the President of Mars!

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Lucifer Quotes

Cop: Are you trying to bribe me, sir?
Lucifer: Yes, of course.

Amenadiel: You are a mockery of everything divine.
Lucifer: Thank you. Thank you, but lately I've been thinking. Do you think I'm the Devil because I'm inherently evil, or just because dear ol' dad decided I was?