24 Best Jeremy Gilbert Moments

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Elena's baby brother is all grown up and going to art school! Let's take a look at Jeremy Gilbert's best moments now before we bid him a fond farewell. 

Hey, at least he isn't dying this time.

1. Smartass Jeremy Gilbert

Jeremy Gilbert is the smartass kid brother everyone secretly wishes they had. Even at his absolute worst, Elena still loves him.

2. Stoner Jeremy

Remember when Jeremy was just a stoner in love with Vicki Donovan? He's certainly come a long way since then.

3. Crying Jeremy

Jeremy Gilbert cried. A lot. A LOT. Maybe it was the pot. Maybe it was the fact that absolutely everyone he loved kept dying on him. We may never know.

4. Jeremy and Anna

After Damon turned his stoner girlfriend into a vampire and Stefan had to kill her to save his life, Jeremy met another vampire who stole his heart. Can we really blame him for falling in love with Anna? No, no we cannot.

5. Jeremy Wakes Up

Okay, Jeremy DID try to kill himself so that he could become a vampire to be with Anna forever only to discover (eventually) that his mission on Earth was very, very different.

6. Badass Jeremy Gilbert

No one really believed it possible but even before he became a hunter and took up the crossbow, Jeremy Gilbert had it in him to be a badass.

7. Masquerade Jeremy

Like that time he was an integral part of taking down Katherine at the masquerade. That was also an important moment because...

8. Hot Jeremy Gilbert

The masquerade was the moment when Bonnie started to see Jeremy as more than just Elena's little brother. Suddenly, he was "Hot Jeremy."

9. Almost Dead Jeremy

Too bad he kept dying (and coming back to life). One time, Bonnie had to kill him to make a spell work. Thankfully, she remembered her CPR training.

10. Jeremy and Bonnie

Theirs was a love story for the ages, unfettered by death, space, time, or any other mystical creature which threatened to separate them. Except ghosts. They didn't really fare so well when Anna started showing up again.

11. Gainfully Employed Jeremy

Jeremy got a job waiting tables at the Mystic Grill which was kind of weird since Matt Donovan had been working there for years at that point and was still only a busboy. Must have been Jer's biceps.

12. Crossbow Jeremy

In his spare time, Jeremy Gilbert took up the crossbow to hunt vampires. He's the only other person we know who is able to give Daryl Dixon a run for his money.

13. Minty Fresh Jeremy

In between vampire killing and girlfriend kissing, Jeremy made sure to brush his teeth. We're sure Mama Gilbert is proud of her baby boy and his commitment to personal hygiene.

14. Tenacious Jeremy

During his stint as a hunter, Jeremy was pretty tenacious. Vampires stole everything from him AND he couldn't die because of the Gilbert ring. He was basically the best.

15. Jeremy and Damon

Jeremy Gilbert is so good he even grew on Damon Salvatore. (Okay, MAYBE Damon is smirking in the direction of Jeremy's jugular...just go with it...)

16. Hunter Jeremy

Shortly after returning to Mystic Falls from his compelled stay in Colorado, Jeremy Gilbert accepted his destiny and became a hunter. No one will ever, ever, EVER forget this scene. Ever.

17. Big Biceps Jeremy

Something about becoming a hunter meant Jeremy could only ever wear undershirts and show off his beautiful biceps. Not that we're complaining.

18. So Fresh and So Clean Jeremy

In his continued commitment to personal hygiene, Jeremy took showers. Which is good because with all that wood cutting and bicep building, he probably worked up quite the sweat. We volunteer as tribute if he needs help with those hard to reach places or any one of his 2000 parts.

19. Best Brother Ever Jeremy

In the midst of all the badassing and smartassing and dying and coming back to life and vampire hunting, Jeremy maintained a pretty A-OK relationship with his big sister/cousin Elena. You know, when he wasn't trying to kill her.

20. Tattooed Jeremy

Things got REAL when Jeremy let Bonnie use his tattoo/map to find Silas' grave for Professor Shadypants. Real hot and also, well, serious.

21. Dead Jeremy

Things go so serious in that cave in Nova Scotia that Jeremy ended up totally dead. Do not pass go, do not collect oxygen. UNTIL...

22. Back To Live and Almost Dead Again Jeremy

Bonnie brought Jeremy BACK to life (AGAIN) but then SHE died. Then HE almost died (AGAIN) during a car crash. No one can ever say that Damon doesn't care about Jeremy. No matter what Damon himself says.

23. Bonnie's Boyfriend Jeremy

Jeremy was DEAD-dead until Bonnie brought him back to life. But then SHE was dead and he was the only one who could see her and then there were THREE Elena's and Bonnie became the anchor. All so she could have sex with Jeremy apparently. Hey, we can't say we wouldn't do the same.

24. Thank You, Jeremy Gilbert

No, really, Jeremy. Thank you. For your biceps. For your badassery. For your smartass comments and verbal sparring with, well, everyone. For your dedication to Elena. For your man tears. Good luck in "art school."

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