iZombie Photos from "Virtual Reality Bites"

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Check out these photos from iZombie Season 1 Episode 6 "Virtual Reality Bites," scheduled to air Tuesday, April 21st.

1. Detective Liv - iZombie Season 1 Episode 6

Looks like Liv is practically an official part of Babineaux's crime fighting team now.

2. Uneasy Liv - iZombie Season 1 Episode 6

Something about this murder/crime scene doesn't sit well with Liv.

3. New Meal - iZombie Season 1 Episode 6

Body bag coming through, which means Liv has got her next meal lined up.

4. Babineaux - iZombie Season 1 Episode 6

Detective Babineaux's investigation leads him into the underground cyber world.

5. Nerdy Ravi - iZombie Season 1 Episode 6

As quite the gamer nerd himself, Ravi thrives during this particular investigation.

6. Side Effects - iZombie Season 1 Episode 6

Liv's new meal ends up giving her some agoraphobic side effects.

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iZombie Quotes

I have so many questions. First, why the hot sauce? Is that a zombie thing?


I don't have post-traumatic stress. I have post-traumatic ennui. Post-traumatic defeatism. Post-traumatic 'what's the point?'
