Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Midseason Report Card

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We had no idea what to expect. Moving forward with a whole new season after the death of Derek could have gone horrible wrong or wonderfully right.

Thankfully, Grey's Anatomy Season 12 has been an awesome season so far, due in large part to the fact that the focus has returned to Meredith's character. The tone is also lighter, for the most part, despite some of the turns that seem to be heading our way.

Here's a look back at the first half of Grey's Anatomy Season 12!

1. Best Episode

Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 3, "I Choose You," has been the best episode of the season so far. This was the episode that proved the show is returning to its roots, complete with a focus on Meredith, roommate drama, and a generally lighter tone (despite the patients the doctors are working with). It even gave Alex Karev some more screen time. This was an episode that was simply enjoyable to watch.

2. Best New Pairing

Somehow, Richard has become Arizona's wing man, and it's pretty much the best thing ever. Richard shows that he's up for anything and willing to help. And besides, he also really enjoys trivia. This is a duo that we probably never would have expected, but they are so fun to watch.

3. Character Who Deserves More Screentime

I can't wait for the day when Alex Karev stops being chosen as most underutilized character, but that day just hasn't come yet. We love Alex Karev, but too often, he's a side character rather than one who gets the focus. Based on the cliffhanger at the end of Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 8, though, it seems like this issue may be remedied when the series returns from hiatus.

4. Best Quote

Best quote

You wanna know why bullies bully? It's 'cause they can. Maybe you've got it worse at home or maybe you're just bullying to keep from getting bullied, but really, it's because people like me, like this girl at our table, are alone and small and vulnerable. And pushing us around makes you feel better about your sad pathetic little lives. Not you guys, though. You're cool. Now.

Maggie: You wanna know why bullies bully? It's 'cause they can. Maybe you've got it worse at home or maybe you're just bullying to keep from getting bullied, but really, it's because people like me, like this girl at our table, are alone and small and vulnerable. And pushing us around makes you feel better about your sad pathetic little lives. Not you guys, though. You're cool. Now.

5. Most Uncomfortable Episode

Things took an awkward, nasty turn on Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 5, when Callie brought her new girlfriend to meet the rest of the group. Turns out that Callie's girlfriend is the doctor who couldn't save Derek, and it made for the worst dinner party ever. It was also an incredibly painful episode to watch.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.