Grey's Anatomy Photos from "Staring at the End"

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Will Dr. Herman make it? Check out these Grey's Anatomy photos from "Staring at the End."

1. Class in Session - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 13

Amelia tells the hospital all about Dr. Herman's case on the Grey's Anatomy episode "Staring at the End." Will she be able to save her?

2. Arizona and Herman - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 13

Arizona and Dr. Herman are featured in this scene from Grey's Anatomy. Look, they are finally getting along!

3. I Have a Question - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 13

Chief Webber raises his hand and has a question for Amelia in this scene from the Grey's Anatomy episode "Staring at the End."

4. Really, Richard? - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 13

Owen gives Richard the eye in this funny Grey's Anatomy photo. It is from the episode "Staring at the End."

5. Paying Attention - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 13

Make sure you take notes, doctors! Everyone is paying close attention as Amelia details the case of Dr. Herman in this scene.

6. Concerned Arizona - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 13

Will Arizona lose her mentor? The Grey's Anatomy episode "Staring at the End" is all about Dr. Herman's fate.

7. Geena Davis as Herman - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 13

Geena Davis has been an outstanding addition to Grey's Anatomy Season 11. She, of course, is on board as Dr. Herman.

8. Exchange of Smirks - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 13

Richard and Owen are playing the role of students in this Grey's Anatomy scene. They are listening to Amelia give a lecture.

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It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.