Grey's Anatomy Photos from "Can We Start Again Please?"

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What can fans expect from the Grey's Anatomy episode "Can We Start Again Please?" Browse through photos from the hour now.

1. Owen vs. Amelia - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 7

Owen gets into it with Amelia in this Grey's Anatomy scene. Her past will come back to haunt her on "Can We Start Again Please?"

2. Derek vs. Amelia - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 7

Derek and Amelia are having some issues on Grey's Anatomy. They are not getting along professionally in any way, shape or form.

3. Finger Pointing - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 7

Someone looks rather unhappy in this Grey's Anatomy scene. And that someone looks rather unhappy with Amelia.

4. Out of the Way Please! - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 7

The doctors all come together and work for a good reason in this Grey's Anatomy scene: a patient has been in a fire.

5. Derek, In Thought - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 7

Derek looks on in this scene from Grey's Anatomy Season 11. It's from the episode "Can We Start Again Please?"

6. Angry at Amelia - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 7

Amelia's past will come back to haunt her on this Grey's Anatomy episode. She's on the receiving end of some anger here.

7. Callie and Meredith at Work - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 7

Callie and Meredith have grown closer on Grey's Anatomy Season 11. They look on together here during a scene from the episode "Can We Start Again Please?"

8. Hold Me Back! - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 7

Whoa there. Easy there. Owen is holding back an angry woman in the hospital in this Grey's Anatomy scene.

9. Amelia at Work - Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 7

Amelia will take center stage on the episode "Can We Start Again Please?" Her past will once again become an issue for her.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

COOPER: "It's wrong?"
NAOMI: "You need to meet a grown up. You need to date someone your own age."
VIOLET: "Someone without a porny internet name and perhaps no criminal past."
NAOMI: "A nice girl."
VIOLET: "A reliable girl."
NAOMI: "Someone who you can have a relationship with."
VIOLET: "You’re a respected doctor."
NAOMI: "Go out in the real world. Meet a woman your own age and go out."
VIOLET: "Be a man."

ADDISON: "You work with your ex-husband in a shrine for your ex-husband."
NAOMI: "It’s actually a good book. And we're friends. And we stayed friends after we divorced. It’s very healthy. We're healthy."
ADDISON: "What happened between you and Sam?"
NAOMI: "Addison, you and I were close in med school, but it was a long time ago."
ADDISON: "Oh, Naomi. Come on. You can’t stay mad at me forever. I know you."