Grey's Anatomy: 11 'Ships That Should Have Sailed!

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Before you work yourselves up in a tizzy about these selections, remember that no one is saying that they have to be endgame. 

Some of them would have been disastrous relationships if they were permanent. Others are physically impossible because the characters are long gone.

It's just in the history of the sexiest medical drama on television where hookups were aplenty, it's hard to believe that some of these "'ships" never sailed at least once. Even if they were a bump in the road towards the ultimate ship. 

How did some of these characters make it through the series without jumping each other's bones? Some of them were perfectly set up for it too. 

Do you have any weird or obscure Grey's 'ships you would have rooted for? Are there any couples that never happened but you feel totally should have? Hit the comments below!

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1. Meredith and Alex

This one is a given. It's still a controversial choice after all these years, but they're the last two left, and it would totally make sense. Initially, the two of them probably should have had a one night stand back in the days when they were both young, screwed up interns.

Alex was as promiscuous as they came, and Meredith needed to blow off some steam a few times when she and McDreamy were on the outs. It certainly would have fared better than that dreaded Mer and George hookup.

Alex is back with Jo now, and Meredith is happy being single for the moment, but the thought of the two of them hooking up is a tempting one. As they have gotten older and closer, it would be less casual hookup and more of something meaningful that could lead to an endgame. Sure, their relationship can be viewed as siblings or BFF's, but c'mon, a Merlex 'ship would be epic.

2. Callie and Addison

I will go to the grave saying this pairing should have happened. When you think about it, we should have figured out that Callie was bisexual a long damn time ago. Maybe if she figured it out sooner we would have got this gem of a romantic pairing.

Callie and Addison were one of the best female friendships in the history of the show, but think about the possibilities of them as a romantic pairing. They oozed chemistry and understood each other to the core.

So many of their scenes were so damn flirty it was impossible to avoid shipping them. We could have had it all! This hookup wouldn't have just been a hookup. It should have happened, and it would have been endgame, dammit.

3. April and Owen

These two have an underrated relationship as well. They grew closer when April followed Owen overseas to assist him in the Middle East. He has been a mentor to her, and they became close friends. Owen showed up to support April on her wedding day, and April was Owen's Best (Wo)Man on HIS wedding day.

There is a very tight-knit bond that has formed between the two over the years and through both of their on-again-off-again relationships, something could have happened between the two of them. In fact, with April's downward spiral and Owen's singlehood, the pairing could totally hook up right now.

I can't be the only one who noticed the look they exchanged a couple of weeks ago. This pairing could serve as a casual hook-up, but in another time (and sorry Japril fans, it could very well be this one) the two would make the perfect couple. She's family-oriented and he's dying for a family. He already adores Harriet and April seems like she would be down for more kids. Endless possibilities here.

4. Cristina and Jackson

The idea of these two was teased way back when Crowen was on the fritz and Japril were just close friends catching flack from the others because they were Mercy Westers, and Jackson played "big bro" to April when Alex went too far.

Jackson was the hot newbie devoid of a cute nickname but no less worthy of one. He had all eyes for Cristina appreciating her competitive edginess, dry wit, and zero damns given personality.

Jackson was intrigued, and Cristina was not interested, but they had a pretty hot make-out session at a house party once. It didn't go any further than that, but it should have just once. Don't lie, you were into it.

5. Stephanie and Andrew

There was a moment, back when Andrew was introduced and accidentally misled others into thinking he was an attending, that he and Stephanie had "a look." You know the look I'm talking about. The kind that ignites a new 'ship without a second thought. They were friendly and a bit flirty. It clearly was the show teasing something between the two, right? Wrong!

Stephanie didn't have much of a love life during her time on the show. She briefly had a relationship with Jackson and then another with a patient, and DeLuca ended up with Maggie briefly. There was ample time for this couple to come to fruition. They would have been spectacular sex buddies. They had a decent-ish friendship, but it could have and should have been so much more.

6. Teddy and Owen

Owen is on this list a kajillion times because the man is very shippable but also pretty hard up for love. It shouldn't take so much to make this man happy. It really shouldn't. Sigh, but these two are long overdue for a hookup. In fact, they should surpass hookup and go ahead and get married and have babies or something.

It's ridiculous that they've been best friends for years and had such a rocky, messy relationship but still haven't found their way back to each other for good. They have the suckiest timing in the history of the show. Two ships in the night sailing past each other time after time. HOW have they not hooked up a few times by now? Teddy is returning and Owen is very single, so maybe it'll FINALLY happen.

7. Meredith and Mark

Yes, of course, Meredith and Derek were made for each other until the bitter end. Then, of course, Lexie and Mark were the most tragic ship that ever existed in the history of the show, and I'm practically sobbing just thinking about their fate. But hear me out, there was a window for some prime Meredith and Mark action and it would have been awesome.

Mark was like a Rites of Passage that had to be experienced. The two of them were the dirty, slutty mistresses of the Shepherds, and they spent the first couple of seasons being caught in this weird quadrangle. They could have blown off some steam, pardon the pun, at least once before Lexie came into the picture. That's all I'm saying.

8. George and April

I know, I know, think about it though. Yes, George and April just missed each other. George was killed practically right before April came to Seattle Grace before the merger, but just go with it. Wouldn't they have been a fantastic couple? April is basically the female version of George. It would have been perfect considering George didn't have a halfway decent romantic relationship his entire time he was in the series.

They both are such wholesome and sweet characters. They're family-oriented and were the least jaded of their peers. They both were mentees of Owen. It would have been meant to be. They would have been more than a hook-up. They would have been an endgame. Don't fight me on this.

9. Callie and Owen

These two had a rocky start. Cristina was Callie's close friend, and Callie was not at all in favor of Owen and Cristina's relationship. While he was battling with PTSD it wasn't pretty, and when Owen cheated, Callie was one of the first people pissed off.

They had moments where they bonded too, however. The seeds for this potential pairing were planted during that episode where they were married in an Alternate Universe. It seemed strange at the time, but once presented with it, it made total sense.

They're both a bit damaged, but a bit hopeful too. They both wanted more out of life and wanted happy, strong romantic relationships and a family of their own. They wanted the best of it all. They would have made a nice pair. Hell, at the very least they could have hooked up at least once. They had the opportunity to, and it would have been wicked awesome.

10. Alex and Maggie

Well before Maggie was headed in a questionable direction with Jackson, and even before her brief dalliance with DeLuca, Maggie had (and still has) great chemistry with another of GSM's hot docs. While they have developed a bit of a sibling-like relationship over the years, they have always had a bond.

Other than Derek, Alex took to Maggie well before Meredith came around. Their connection was odd considering Alex is usually turned off by awkward, bumbling, sunshiny characters. Who can forget the adorable pep talk Alex gave Maggie in Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 19 where he reminded her that she's cute and sexy and that a guy should want to listen to her?

And we're led to believe that the two spent a significant amount of time together in the year that Meredith was away, bonding over their concern for her. Maggie and Alex have one of the most underrated friendships in recent years, and no one is arguing that they should be endgame, but it's a wonder they didn't hook up at least once.

11. Izzie and Preston

If you think this is because of that Thanksgiving Episode, you're absolutely right. The poor girl from the trailer park who made a name for herself as a model then as a doctor with the pretentious Cardio god. It has all the makings of a lifetime romantic drama. It would have been fabulous.

Burke and Yang were still in the swing of things, and it was awkward as hell at the time inviting an attending over to the college dormitory style Intern Friendsgiving. Preston and Izzie clicked though. They bonded over their appreciation of cooking, baking, and outlook on life.

Izzie's easy charm and Susie-homemaker vibe was a stark contrast to the razor-sharp Cristina. It was right up his alley. If Yang and Izzie weren't friends, and Yang and Burke weren't a thing, it should have happened. They had a surprising chemistry.

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It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.