Game of Thrones Season 6 Report Card

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Was that the best season yet?

Game of Thrones Season 6 started pretty slow, but got crazy good as the season went on. 

We're going to run down the best and worst of the latest season of the HBO fantasy series. 

1. Best Death

Arya killing Walder Frey was a highlight of the entire series. He was the man responsible for the Red Wedding, so it was thrilling to see Arya take him down once and for all. As much as the House of Black and White sucked, Arya having a face on worked wonders for this scene.

2. Most Pointless Character

Why didn't Rickon zig-zag? He must have known he was about to be killed. It's not like Ramsey has bad aim.

3. Most Predictable Moment

Jon Snow is Lyanna Stark's son! This came as no surprise to many and some even hoped that they would change it up for the show. That said, the scene with the reveal was perfectly executed.

4. Most Heartbreaking Death

Hodor. We finally got to see what really happened all those years ago to this fantastic character, but then he was taken from us as he tried to save Bran's life. We're still not over it.

5. Best Episode

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 9, "Battle of the Bastards" is hands down the best episode of the entire series. The battle between Jon and Ramsey had been brewing for some time, so it was great to see it all play out. The acting, directing and the sheer scale of the battle were all first class.

6. Most Shocking Moment

Cersei taking the throne. She really knows how to work things to get results, and that's exactly what she did to ensure she got the power she so desperately wanted. It even came at the expense of her son, Tommen.

7. Most Explosive Moment

Cersei's quest to take the throne had her blowing up the Great Sept of Baelor with most of the Tyrell's inside. It was shocking and set things in motion for a wild finale.

8. Best Return

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 7, "The Broken Man." Did anyone really think the Hound was really dead? His return episode was the weakest episode of the season, but it showed us just how different the character was since the last time we saw him.

9. Best Alliance

Daenerys and the Greyjoys. Did anyone else see this alliance coming? The chemistry between Yara and Daenerys was off the charts. Could a romance be on the cards for them?

10. Hopes for Season 7

My main hope is that we get more of the White Walkers. With winter fast approaching, it would be silly not to have more of them. They're the most interesting villains on the whole show. It would be great if we got more flashbacks and battles. They're what makes the show so great!

11. Overall Grade

A-. The season started rocky, but things quickly picked up and it became the best season of the show.

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Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us.


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