From A to Z: A Guide to Riverdale's Slang

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Riverdale is a strange town with a strange vernacular.

When Archie, Betty, Jughead, and Veronica aren't throwing pop culture references at you, they're using phrases like "Jingle Jangle" and "Sticky Maple."

Regardless if you're a longtime resident or new in town, sometimes, it's hard to keep up.

That's why we've put together a trusted little glossary of Riverdale's terminology and slang. 


1. Bijou - Riverdale Glossary

Let's start with something simple, shall we? The Bijou is Riverdale's movie theater. It's where Archie catches a movie with Jughead every year for his birthday. Except for this year, when Betty, Jughead's new GF joined in on the fun.

2. Blue and Gold - Riverdale Glossary

Riverdale High's very own student-run newspaper. And by student-run, I mean it was inactive till Betty and Jughead restored it to its full glory before he transferred to Southside High. Of course, Betty's mom Alice serves as an advisor.

3. Bughead - Riverdale Glossary

When two characters get together on a TV show, fans start to 'ship' them and they give them a ship-name. Bughead is the combined name for one of the show's fave couples, Betty and Jughead.

4. Chugmo - Riverdale Glossary

Riverdale's chain liquor store, which was going to replace Pop's after Fred's shooting until the Lodge's bought the place out ensuring it will continue serving milkshakes and burgers for years to come.

5. Fox Forest - Riverdale Glossary

Fox Forest sees a lot of action and I'm not simply talking murder. The forest is where gay men, including Kevin, go cruising or night jogging, which is code for secretly finding other men to satisfy their needs.

6. Ghoulies - Riverdale Glossary

Jughead first learned about the Ghoulies, the Southside Serpent's rival gang, when he transferred schools. They may be responsible for beating him up on his first day. Keywords: may be.

7. Greendale - Riverdale Glossary

Greendale is Riverdale's neighboring town found across from Sweetwater River. And just like Riverdale, it has its fair share of secrets. It's where Jason and Cheryl crossed over when he tried to fake his own death. It's also home to Sabrina Spellman, another character in the Archie comics. And it's where Ms. Grundy moved after being kicked out of Riverdale, until she was recently murdered for being a child predator.

8. Jingle Jangle - Riverdale Glossary

By far the best word on the list. If you don't know what Jingle Jangle is, you're in for a real treat. JJ is an illegal and highly addictive drug, whose usage is on the rise according to Sheriff Keller thanks to both the Southside Serpents and some kids at Riverdale High. Reggie says it boosts energy, keeps you awake and increases sexual performance. Midge and Moose were both using JJ when they are shot by the Black Hood. The best part, Jingle Jangle is basically a Pixy stick.

9. Night Jogging - Riverdale Glossary

Night jogging or cruising is like mentioned previously, the act of seeking out other gay men in Fox Forest for some fun. Kevin is caught cruising by Cheryl and Betty, who are concerned about him going into a forest at night with a killer on the loose.

10. Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe

"What's a chock'lit shop? And why does it sell burgers?" Veronica once asked. Only the best place in town for milkshakes and because it can, V. Pop's is the iconic Riverdale bar owned by Pop Tate where Jughead, Archie, Betty and Veronica hang out on the daily. Everyone in town has hung out there or worked there. Fred Andrews was even shot there. And of course, it was almost shut down after the shooting but the Lodges generously bought it out.

11. Red and Black - Riverdale Glossary

Southside High's newspaper that was shut down thanks to gang activity and Jingle Jangle, but is now being revived by new student Jughead. Fellow Serpent Toni Topaz is also on board as the Red and Black's photographer.

12. Red Circle - Riverdale Glossary

With a killer on the loose, and one that shot his father, Archie formed a vigilante squad called the Red Circle. Apparently, he doesn't trust the police to do their work and wants to be pro-active and lure the Black Hood out himself. Whatever you say, dude.

13. Maple Red - Riverdale Glossary

Maple syrup is iconic in Riverdale because the town was basically built on it with the Blossoms running a lucrative business. Cheryl's red lips are also iconic and when she kissed Archie she told him her lipstick was "maple-red," in case he was wondering why they were so sweet.

14. River Vixens - Riverdale Glossary

Riverdale High's cheerleading squad or in other words, Cheryl's pride and joy. Cheryl is captain and both Betty and Veronica are on the squad. What's high school without a little cheerleading drama and skanky routines?

15. Snake Charmer - Riverdale Glossary

The nickname given to Penny Peabody, a crafty attorney on retainer with the Southside Serpents. She prefers clients to pay with favors, not cash, which is why FP is so upset when he finds out Jughead used her services to help him get a reduced prison sentence.

16. Southside Serpents - Riverdale Glossary

A gang of bikers and dangerous criminals who stay on the south side of Riverdale. Their leader is FP Jones, Jughead's father, which is why his son doesn't live with him. But when FP goes to prison for Jason Blossom's murder, Juggy becomes an honorary member through blood.

17. Sticky Maple - Riverdale Glossary

Riverdale High's version of slut-shaming. Dudes post a photo of a girl they hooked up with or wish they hooked up with on social media, but photoshop maple syrup onto her face. At one point, Chuck even tells Veronica it's a "badge of honor" but really, it's degrading.

18. Sweetwater River - Riverdale Glossary

The river divides Riverdale and Greendale. It was named Sweetwater in reference to the maple syrup industry, which runs the town. Jason Blossom's body washed up in the river after he tried to cross over to Greendale and fake his own death.

19. The Register - Riverdale Glossary

Riverdale has a lot of newspapers but this one is the official local town paper owned by Hal and Alice Cooper. In other words, biased media. The Black Hood is sending letters to Alice so that she could post his threats to the town.

20. Thistle House - Riverdale Glossary

Thistle house is where Cheryl and Penelope Blossom currently reside after their old residence was burned to the ground by Cheryl herself. It's equally as creepy as Thornhill was.

21. Thornhill - Riverdale Glossary

As Jughead put it, "every town has one, the spooky house that all the kids avoid. Ours was Thornhill, the Blossom family mansion, with its very own graveyard." That pretty much sums it up. After it was revealed that Clifford killed Jason, he committed suicide and Cheryl burned the place to the ground.

22. Whyte Wyrm - Riverdale Glossary

The hangout spot for the Southside Serpents. Most notably, it's where Clifford shot and killed his son Jason Blossom.

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Riverdale Quotes

Alice: These diaries are your past, and your past is crushing you. Edgar says that...
Betty: What, Mom? What does some guru who’s running a heaven’s gate commune for pregnant runaways and wives of serial killers have to say about my diaries?
Alice: We know that you look down on the Farm, Betty. But, Edgar has done nothing but help me. He’s encouraged me to embrace everything that I was ashamed of and become the best version of myself.

Betty: You should be writing about the real story. What happened to Jason? Who was holding him captive? Why was he frozen? And who shot that gun on July 4?
Mrs. Cooper: Yes, well if you're so keen on reporting, then why don't you come work with your father and me? The Register could really use a Lois Lane type like you.