Gotham Season 3: 15 Best Moments So Far

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It's been a crazy year for Gotham. 

The Indian Hill monsters took over, but Jim and the GCPD managed to get rid of most of them. 

Penguin became the mayor, and Lee got married though neither had a happy ending.

Barnes went crazy and so did Nygma after losing the second love of his life.

What happens next is anybody's guess, but we're sure the crazy ride will continue when Gotham returns on April 24.

In the meantime, we've compiled a list of our favorite Season 3 moments so far. What's your favorite? Let us know in the comments!


1. Bruce's First Rule

Bruce took a huge step towards his destiny when he chose not to kill Jerome in the funhouse. He knows the line between justice and vengeance is a fine one, and he made a firm decision never to cross that line in the future.

2. Barnes Goes Mad

One little drop of Alice Tetch's blood was all it took for Barnes to cross the line into insanity. As the virus took over, Barnes' need to punish the guilty took him over the edge eventually leading him to a stay at Arkham. Whether it's temporary or permanent remains to be seen.

3. The Cat and the Bat Kiss

It might not have been their first kiss, but it was their most romantic so far. They have a long, bumpy road ahead of them, so let them enjoy it while it lasts.

4. Ivy Grows Up

Ivy was at the wrong place at the wrong time when she got caught by one of Mooney's minions. Marv was about to do her in with his special touch, but she managed to escape though not unscathed. He touched her just enough to age her several years. When will she go full-blooded bad girl? We're still waiting.

5. Lee or Vale?

It wasn't any surprise that Jim would figure out Jervis' game. And it certainly wasn't any surprise that he'd choose Lee over Vale. It's too bad. We sort of liked Vale and Gordon together.

6. Jim Takes on Zsasz

Falcone sent Zsasz on a mission to find and kill Jim for killing Mario. Zsasz must've been off his game, because Jim got the best of him and got away. Still, it the fight scene between them was awesome.

7. Jim Takes a Trip with Barbara

Jervis Tetch sent Jim on the trip of a lifetime when he blew Red Queen into his face. Barbara took him to visit old demons and a life that could have been. In the end he learned a little secret about the Court of Owls even if he didn't the full implication at the time.

8. Lee Punches Nygma

Lee returned to Gotham city more badass than ever. When Nygma stopped by to say hello, she had no problems giving him his just due for what he did (accidentally or not) to Kristin.

9. Penguin Becomes Mayor

It surprised everyone when Penguin decided to throw his hat into the mayoral ring. It was even more surprising when he actually won. He was a good mayor while it lasted...until Nygma messed it up.

10. A Horrible Honeymoon

Lee had a chance at happiness, but somehow Tetch was able to infect Mario with Alice's blood causing him to become a jealous freak. Jim saved the day just in time, even if Lee didn't see it that way.

11. Bruce Fights Jerome

Bruce's training finally came in handy when he was kidnapped by Jerome and his gang. Bruce didn't back down and we cheered like madmen ourselves when Bruce got the upper hand on Jerome.

12. The Almost Kiss

Gotham had its way with fans who shipped Nygmobblepot tricking them into thinking a kiss was about to happen between the two as they fell into each other's arms. It never happened, but the idea that it could have warmed our hearts.

13. Alfred Fights Bruce's Doppelganger

Every once in a while it's nice to see Alfred get knocked off his cocky pedestal. He thought he was being soft with Bruce #2 until the kid bopped him in the face a few times. When will Alfred learn that sometimes he just needs to back off?

14. Fish Goes Free

Penguin and Fish have always had a strange relationship so it was no surprise that Penguin would get all misty-eyed when Fish gave her growing up speech. He let her and Professor Strange go, but we know we haven't seen the last of them.

15. Nygma Kills Penguin?!

On the winter finale, Nygma did the unthinkable and shot Oswald. We knew he was angry, but we didn't know he was that angry. It's hard to believe that Penguin might be gone, but we don't see how he could have survived that gunshot wound.

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Gotham Quotes

Hit me and then you kiss me.


Lucius: Who, umm, designed the uniforms?
Ms. Peabody: Do you have much training in mental health, Mr. Fox?
Lucius: None at all.