Castle Photos from "Kill Switch"

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A subway ride turns into a hostage situation. Check out these photos from Castle Season 7 Episode 8 "Kill Switch" which is scheduled to air on Monday, November 24th on ABC.

1. Taken Hostage - Castle Season 7 Episode 8

Detective Esposito is one of many taken hostage on a subway car on Castle Season 7 Episode 8.

2. Subway Ride - Castle Season 7 Episode 8

A normal subway ride turns dangerous when a man takes the entire care hostage. Will Esposito be able to stop him before things turn deadly?

3. Keeping Calm - Castle Season 7 Episode 8

Keeping everyone calm might be the key to getting out alive in "Kill Switch" scheduled to air Monday, November 24th on ABC.

4. A Gun In One Hand - Castle Season 7 Episode 8

Looks like our hostage taker has a gun in one hand and an inhaler in the other. That could make things even more interesting.

5. Two Cops On a Train - Castle Season 7 Episode 8

It appears there's another police officer on this train. Will she and Javi be able to team up to take the hostage taker down?

6. Pointing His Gun - Castle Season 7 Episode 8

We really hope that this guy isn't pointing his gun at Javier. We're fairly certain that Lanie would like to see him make it out alive.

7. Who Is The Mystery Man? - Castle Season 7 Episode 8

Who is this mystery man and why has he taken a subway car full of hostages? We're sure there's a story there that Castle will have to figure out.

8. Things Look Tense - Castle Season 7 Episode 8

Things look pretty tense in that subway. We hope that Castle, Beckett and Ryan are working behind the scenes to help save them.

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Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
