Castle Photos "Castle P.I."

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Is Castle officially off the case? Check out these photos for Castle Season 7 Episode 11, "Castle P.I." which is scheduled to air Monday, January 12th on ABC.

1. Not To Be Left Out - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

Not to be left out of a murder investigation, Castle's found a way to work with Beckett. He's gotten his Private Investigator's license.

2. Will It Work - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

Will Rick's plan work? Will getting his private investigator's license allow him to work with Beckett once again.

3. Will They Work Together? - Castle

Will Beckett and Castle still be able to work together now that he's been kicked out of the 12th precinct?

4. A Body Without Castle Season 7 Episode 11

Beckett's on the case when a new dead body shows up but since Castle's been kicked out of the 12th precinct, investigating a murder just won't be the same.

5. He's Got Explaining To Do - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

Beckett takes Castle aside. He's got some explaining to do while Ryan goes over the evidence with Perlmutter.

6. In or Out - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

So is Esposito filling Castle in on the case or telling him that he still can't be a part of this investigation?

7. Perlmutter's On the Case - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

Poor Castle. He would have had much better luck if Lanie had been the ME on this case.

8. So Which Is It - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

So which is it? Has Castle wormed his way back into the investigation or is seeing him here with Beckett some sort of a fluke.

9. Amused and Apprehensive - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

Whatever is happening, Esposito looks amused while Beckett just looks apprehensive.

10. No Matter What Happens - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

No matter what happens, it's good to know that Kate still gets her coffee. No case can be solved with caffeine.

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Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
