Bones Season 10: Best Episode, Favorite Booth and Brennan Moment, and More!

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Bones Season 10 gave us a horribly shocking death that still has us reaching for the tissues on occasion, plus a brand new struggle for Booth and Brennan not long after they got some happy news.

Check out our report card for the best and worst episodes, favorite guest star, most underutilized character, and more!



1. Best Episode

It seems like an obvious choice, but Bones Season 10 Episode 10, the Alfred-Hitchcock inspired 200th episode pulled out all the stops to make the anniversary completely unforgettable. We loved every single second of this fun episode! It even gave us a chance to see Booth and Brennan fall for each other all over again in the most adorable way.

2. Worst Episode

Here's the thing. We LOVE Seeley Booth. We adore him. And Bones Season 10 Episode 9 stuck him behind a desk (um, for traffic school?) and effectively kept him out of the story, making for an episode that wasn't nearly as enjoyable as it could have been. It was like he was there as an afterthought, as opposed to being our leading man.

3. Death We Still Aren't Over

Way back on Bones Season 10 Episode 1, we were shocked when Lance Sweets was brutally murdered, and we cried loads of ugly tears. Thankfully, his memory was honored in several ways throughout the season -- with an emotional arrival of his son (named Seeley Lance Wick Sweets) and even a the last love story he wrote about Booth and Brennan. We'll never get over losing such a loveable character. RIP Dr. Sweets.

4. Character We Grew to Love

We weren't sure at first if we could trust James Aubrey, especially since his arrival came just as we lost Sweets, but he has quickly become one of the most fun characters to watch on Bones. He's a quirky guy who loves to eat (seriously, he's ALWAYS eating) and isn't easily intimidated. More importantly, he's fiercely loyal. Who doesn't love that?

5. Most Painful Separation

Booth's gambling addiction became a big issue in Bones Season 10, resurfacing because of a case that involved a poker game. When Brennan found out Booth was gambling again, and he had subsequently put their family in danger, she made him leave. Watching them struggle to find their way back to each other (as well as seeing Booth struggle to overcome his addiction) was hard to watch, but good for the characters all the same.

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Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Booth: You sound really squinty right now.
Aubrey: I'm a child of the nineties, you know. Computers are kind of my thing.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones