Bones Photos from "The Psychic in the Soup"

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Check out these photos from the upcoming episode of Bones, "The Psychic in the Soup."

1. Brennan and Fuentes Examine a Body - Bones

Brennan and Fuentes examine the remains of a psychic.

2. Brennan Gets Her Hands Dirty - Bones Season 10 Episode 11

Brennan examines the remains of a body found in a tree.

3. Hodgins Examines the Remains of a Psychic - Bones Season 10 Episode 11

Hodgins helps examine he remains of the psychic who was found in a tree trunk.

4. Aubrey and Booth Review the Evidence - Bones Season 10 Episode 11

Aubrey and Booth review the evidence -- with donuts!

5. Cyndi Lauper Guest Stars - Bones Season 10 Episode 11

Cyndi Lauper Guest Stars as everyone's favorite psychic, Avalon Harmonia.

6. Angela and Avalon Chat About the Case - Bones Season 10 Episode 11

Angela recruits Avalon for help with their case involving a local psychic.

7. Rodolfo is Grateful - Bones Season 10 Episode 11

Rodolfo Fuentes has reason to be grateful to Dr. Brennan.

8. Avalon Helps With The Case - Bones Season 10 Episode 11

Avalon and Angela continue to help with this week's case.

9. Brennan and Booth Discuss the Investigation with a Psychic - Bones Season 10 Episode 11

Brennan and Booth discuss the investigation with Avalon.

10. Brennan Talks With a Psychic - Bones Season 10 Episode 11

Brennan continues an important conversation with Avalon.

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Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Booth: You sound really squinty right now.
Aubrey: I'm a child of the nineties, you know. Computers are kind of my thing.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
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