Bones Photos from "The Money Maker on the Merry-Go-Round"

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It looks like we'll have an interesting case this week on Bones Season 10 Episode 7, when the team investigates a hedge fund company. Check out these photos for a sneak peek!

1. Brennan and Booth Discuss Their Current Case - Bones Season 10 Episode 7

Brennan and Booth discuss this week's case in what looks to be a serious conversation.

2. Booth Has Concerns About The Current Case - Bones Season 10 Episode 7

Booth has some concerns about the case this week, and they may involve his new partner at the FBI.

3. Booth Has Concerns About Aubrey Working on the Current Case - Bones Season 10 Episode 7

Booth has concerns about Aubrey's participation in the case this week, but why? Aubrey certainly looks upset.

4. John Boyd as FBI Special Agent James Aubrey - Bones Season 10 Episode 7

So what is going on with James Aubrey? Is he hiding something?

5. Booth and Aubrey Investigate a Hedge Fund Company - Bones Season 10 Episode 7

The case this week's leads to an investigation of a hedge fund company, with Booth and Aubrey working together.

6. Hodgins Shows Cam Some Evidence - Bones Season 10 Episode 7

Hodgins has some evidence to show Cam. What could it be?

7. Brennan Finds Blood at a Potential Crime Scene - Bones Season 10 Episode 7

Brennan looks sneaky as she finds blood at a potential crime scene.

8. Brennan and Booth Take a Suspect, Guest Star Gil Bellows, into Custody - Bones Season 10 Episode 7

Brennan and Booth work together on this case and bring guest star Gil Bellows into custody.

9. Aubrey Confides in Brennan in "The Money Maker on the Merry-Go-Round" - Bones Season 10 Episode 7

Aubrey takes the time to confide something in Brennan. It looks like he's been hiding something, and we'll learn more about his character this week.

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Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Booth: You sound really squinty right now.
Aubrey: I'm a child of the nineties, you know. Computers are kind of my thing.

Bones Music

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