Bones Photos from "The Master in the Slop"

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Anyone up for a game of chess?

Sweets sure is on the Bones episode "The Master in the Slop," shocking some with his impressive array of skills.

Elsewhere, as teased in this slideshow, we'll meet Forensic podiatrist Dr. Douglas Filmore.

1. Sweets Has Game

Sweets has some moves! On the chess board, that is. This is a scene from "The Master in the Slop."

2. Booth on the Job

Booth surveys the crime scene in this Bones still. It is from "The Master in the Slop."

3. Brennan in a Parking Garage

Brennan checks out a parking garage in this Bones photo. It is the scene of the latest crime.

4. A Happy Podiatrist

Forensic podiatrist Dr. Douglas Filmore plays a key role on the Bones Season 9 episode "The Master in the Slop."

5. Meeting Dr. Douglas Filmore

Cam introduces the team to forensic podiatrist Dr. Douglas Filmore in this Bones scene. He's portrayed by guest star Scott Lowell.

6. Scott Lowell on Bones

Welcome to Bones, guest stars Scott Lowell. We hope you don't mind getting your hands dirty.

7. The Sweets Strategy

Sweets puts his chess prowess to the test in the latest case on Bones. "The Master in the Slop" is the 14th episode of the show's ninth season.

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Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Booth: You sound really squinty right now.
Aubrey: I'm a child of the nineties, you know. Computers are kind of my thing.

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