Bones Photos from "The Baker in the Bits"

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We've got photos from the upcoming episode of Bones, "The Baker in the Bits." Check them out!

1. Brennan Looks Perplexed - Bones Season 10 Episode 13

Brennan thinks hard about the case as she and Booth investigate.

2. Booth and Brennan Question a Bakery Owner - Bones

Booth and Brennan question the owner of a local bakery.

3. More Questioning - Bones Season 10 Episode 13

Booth continues to question owners of a local bakery known for employing former felons.

4. Approach with Caution - Bones Season 10 Episode 13

Booth and Aubrey approach a crime scene with caution.

5. Booth and Aubrey Find a Body - Bones Season 10 Episode 13

Booth and Aubrey find the body of an ex-con in "The Baker in the Bits."

6. Booth Discovers the Body - Bones Season 10 Episode 13

Booth discovers the body of an ex-con in an unexpected place.

7. Booth and Aubrey Question the Owner - Bones Season 10 Episode 13

Booth and Aubrey talk to the owner of the Bakery after finding out more details.

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Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Booth: You sound really squinty right now.
Aubrey: I'm a child of the nineties, you know. Computers are kind of my thing.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones