Arrow Season 3 Finale Photos: Oliver and His Ladies

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We've already seen the trailer for Arrow Season 3 Episode 23 and we know the crap is about to hit the fan.

Starling City is in trouble. There's no doubt about it.

What we didn't see in the trailer is what comes before that – after the rescue and before the big fight when Oliver and Nyssa meet up with Team Arrow in the new Arrow lair. It's. well, it's surprising.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Oliver and Nyssa appear to share a surprisingly cordial moment and the remaining time features a Felicity so giddy it's hard not to jump to the conclusion that she and Oliver have shared some private conversation about their relationship in which he assures her his marriage won't deter their future.

1. Waking Up - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Team Arrow starts to wake up from their nap. Were they inoculated and then gassed with the bioweapon? Let's hope so, just in case Ra's does drop the bomb on Starling City. They'll really need to be inoculated against catastrophe to help their fellow citizens!

2. Unhappy Man - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Malcolm isn't the happiest man having been locked up and away. Will we find out his betrayal of Oliver was all part of their plan or was he up to his old tricks? Time will tell.

3. Knock Knock - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Hello? Is there anybody in there? Barry does his best Spiderman impersonation as The Flash appears in Nanda Parbat to save Team Arrow. Was he let into the circle of trust early on, along with Malcolm?

4. I'll Huff and I'll Puff - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Despite believing they were left for dead, apparently Team Arrow is going to let Barry hunker down in front of the door for a good minute or so while he poses for myriad photos before rustling those chains and thinking of a way show some good old Team Arrow hospitality and gratitude. Surely, I jest.

5. Determination - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Barry Allen aka The Flash has that look of steely determination in his eyes that he gets when he's formulating a really great plan. Of course, he had one of those when he raced toward Gorilla Grodd, too, and look where that got him.

6. Nice Plan! - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

THAT was the plan? Not to shabby Mr. Allen! It runs circles around that Grodd plan, after all. Well done. The Flash made short order of the League of Assassins. He can take them out in a snap!

7. Ta Da! - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

The Flash is feeling proud and strong, and rightfully so. Taking out a gaggle of League members and leaving their weapons scattered on the floor while they're in chains waiting to be lit on fire is no small feat for the average man!

8. Did Somebody Call for a Hero? - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Barry saunters into the room as if showing up was no big deal. WAIT!! For the Flash, it actually ISN'T a big deal to get to Nanda Parbat! On the other hand, I'm still wondering how Malcolm Merlyn managed to get back and forth three times in one day. Is he a flash, too???

9. Asking for Help - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

In the trailer we know Felicity asks for help, although it seems unclear why. Isn't it kind of obvious they need an assist when he showed up and they were under lock and key? Unless they've been reading 50 Shades of Nanda Parbat, I think help is a foregone conclusion despite his brushing it off with, "I think you got this."

10. Barbershop Quartet - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

OK. Tell me if it's just me, but the way Diggle and Malcolm are leaning in just right, it looks like they're about to start waving their arms and seconds away from bursting into song. It's a barbershop quartet you guys! Here's hoping they pulled it off for the gag reel.

11. No Luggage - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

See that little bag Felicity is cradling in her arms? Inside it is her knee-skirting winter coat and her pumps, as well as her other outfit and whatever else she brought on the trip. It's a magical bag. Where can I buy one??

12. Together Again - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Oliver and Felicity are together again, but this time he's married to another an on his way to becoming the leader of the League of Assassins. We can assume things are not the same as the last time they met.

13. Old Tricks - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Team Arrow is up to old tricks as they pull out all the tops to try to stop Ra's from enacting his devastating plan upon Starling City by releasing a bioweapon that would kill everyone.

14. Blue - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

It surely cannot be a coincidence that this pair of forlorn lovers is framed by the electric blue of fluorescent lighting as they must be about as blue as they can be given their strange and unfortunate circumstances.

15. Newlyweds - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

This is a surprisingly gentle moment between Oliver and Nyssa. With a simple touch of their hands, it seems they have reached some sort of communication wherein they may be working together toward a common goal, at the very least.

16. Happy - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Felicity looks incredibly happy at the conversation she's having with the man she loves. This is surprising given the close proximity of Oliver and his new wife. Perhaps they have spoken about what his marriage really means to him and how much he loves the woman he left behind.

17. Does She Know? - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

As Ray looks at Felicity happily reunited with Oliver, one has to wonder if she knows whether he has signed over what we think is Palmer Industries to her. And if she has it, will she then sign it back over to Oliver?

18. Ready to Fight - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

I wonder what Nyssa feels being married to Oliver and back at the lair. Is it awkward or is she pleased to feel even a modicum of freedom at being released from her father's grasp. She's free in a way, right? I can't wait to see what's next for her. Hopefully she makes it out of the finale alive and well!

19. How Pleasant - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

What an unbelievably pleasant shot of Malcolm Merlyn. Is this a doppleganger? Has he had an extra donut for breakfast or is he just so ready to kick Ra's al Ghuls' ass that he's downright cheerful? It's the first genuine smile I've seen on his face that didn't seem more of a smirk. Well done!

20. Oliver and His Ladies - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Another show with a smiling Oliver and an over-the-top happy Felicity with Nyssa nearby sure seems to indicate the two loves who have been torn apart have had a chat solidifying their future. What are the odds, do you think?

21. The Circle of Trust - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Here it is! The epicenter of the circle of trust. Somehow it doesn't look all that comfortable in there. If that's what it feels like on the inside, most of us would probably rather be on the outside looking in anyway!

22. Siblings - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Oliver and Thea touch base before all of the schnizzle goes down in the city center. Does he have any idea she's going to suit up as Speedy? At this point, does she even have any idea? Can't wait to see it go down.

23. Speedy - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Thea appears to be clutching the bag with the Speedy suit in it. Well, it was formerly the suit she had made for Arsenal, but she's going to put it to better use, right? Right! Kick ass, Thea Queen!

24. Hugs - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Flashback scene with Oliver hugging Tatsu. There's not too much to say about this because there's no idea what we can possibly expect other than some sort of a goodbye, perhaps?

25. Katana and Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Little did Tatsu and Oliver know when they must have been saying some sort of fare thee well in the past that they would be super heroes. Now, of only they could find happiness.

26. Enemy Afoot! - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Someone has happened upon Oliver in the dark and they're trying to take him out! Waddya wanna bet it's Ra's? In this installment, Oliver is going to wonder if he's strong enough to take on the position as head of the League and what it will do to Team Arrow. He's strong enough. Not sure about the team, though.

27. League Thug - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

I remember when I first started writing about Ra's al Ghul. He seemed to have so much promise, what with his moral code and his seemingly intelligent conversations. Instead he's just another nutter hiding under a hood. A street thug with too much power and a magical fountain. What a disappointment.

28. New Man Needed - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Ra's, the hooded street thug who is currently leading the League of Assassins, needs a new right hand man at his side since Katana (Tatsu) killed Maseo. While Oliver looks like Mini-Me at the moment, we have to vote he overthrows Ra's and tosses him aside.

29. On His Knees - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Oliver falls to his knees in front of Ra's al Ghul. What does that mean? Is he giving up to the man or is this another play to take his attention off of yet a different plan he has in action?

30. Ouch! - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Is Ra's kicking Oliver in the chest with his boot? Things have gone from bad to worse in short order if that's the case. Is this part of Oliver's plan to prove to himself he's strong enough to take over the League?

31. Twinsies - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Seriously. Why are they dressed up like twinsies? It's really a little bit odd, don't you think? What happened to Oliver's awesome furry number he was wearing when we were still calling him Al? Now it's like they're going to the school picnic at the amusement park together.

32. Capt. Lance Makes an Appearance - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Will Capt. Lance participate in trying to save his town or will he just stand idly by on the sidelines while the citizens of Starling City drop to their deaths all around him? I'm not sure which is more helpful at this point.

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