Arrow Season 3: Best Episode, Worst Plot Device and More!

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11. Servicing the Fangasm: Olicity

Servicing the Fangasm: Arrow Season 3 was full of fangasm moments for Olicity. Oliver and Felicity could very well have found themselves riding off into the sunset in due time, but they got there too fast and without the benefit of exploring a mutually beneficial relationship along the way.

They skipped the best parts of getting to know one another and exploring their love. There wasn't enough foreplay, if you will. It was as if they went from one kiss to the deed to smoking a cigarette without all the beauty in between. If they want to keep these two together, then make them a believable couple. Real couples don't ride off into the sunset after one roll in the hay.

12. Overused Plot Device: Flashbacks

Overutilized Plot Device: When Arrow premiered, we were told the flashbacks would tell a tale symbiotically with the present day and when played alone, their story would stand on their own. That's all well and good when they don't impede the action in the present. As Season 3 progressed, the flashbacks got downright distracting.

When they actually broke away from Oliver and Felicity making love to tear into a flashback only to bring us back to a the action when it was all over? Hell, even the least die-hard Olicity fan could scream foul on that one. Timing is everything, people!!

Make them count in Season 4, and if that means a single flashback at the beginning or the end, then so be it. Don't cut away from the intensity of any given moment for needless flashbacks that could have been explained with one short scene elsewhere. (You know what nobody makes GIFs of? Flashbacks!! Unless they're Felicity Smoak.)

13. Best Plot Device: Crossovers

Best Plot Device: Crossovers have become one of our favorites here at TV Fanatic. In a finale that otherwise was a complete dud, Barry Allen as the Flash added a little zip to the festivities by remarking how cool it was that Nanda Parbat had a hot tub (the Lazarus Pit, in case anyone wasn't following along...).

While I did say inserting whimsy can be a drag on Arrow, when they use it for crossovers, it works because when The Flash or his friends visit, we expect the whimsical. Laurel also had one of her best turns when she appeared on The Flash and interacted with Cisco. The crossovers give everyone a chance to be a litte something different than expected and up their game, even if the timing can be tricky to align perfectly. Start your guessing as to how White Canary will be incorporated into the Arrowverse!

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