Arrow Photos from "Suicidal Tendencies"

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"Suicidal Tendencies" is the title of Arrow Season 3 Episode 17. We have photos!

1. Greetings! - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

This looks just a little awkward, as Felicity stands between her two men at Diggle's wedding.

2. Best Man Duties - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Oliver takes his duties as best man seriously, one hopes!

3. The Best Man - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Oliver has an odd look on his face as he stands as Best Man.

4. The Bride and Groom...and Ray? - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Exactly why Ray Palmer has stood in the middle of this lovely shot of the bride and groom is anyone's guess.

5. The Diggles - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

John, Lyla and baby Sara are now, officially, a family in the eyes of the law.

6. Brothers of the Heart - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

With this ring, Oliver gives his full support to his brother, Diggle.

7. All Smiles - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Felicity is all smiles as she watches her dear friend, Dig, marry.

8. Overjoyed - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Laurel is beside herself with happiness as she witnesses the service.

9. Honored Guests - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Felicity, Thea, Roy and Laurel are all enjoying the ceremony.

10. Guess Who Caught the Bouquet! - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Felicity has her hands full as she caught the bouquet.

11. Dour Wedding Faces - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Diggle and Lyla look too dour for their wedding day.

12. The First Dance - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Dig and Lyla dance on their wedding day as man and wife.

13. Hey Maseo - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Maseo pops into town. What's he up to, or is it a flashback?

14. A Couple of Hoods - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

There are a couple of hoods hanging around. Who let them in?

15. Men on a Mission - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

The Arrow and Arsenal are men on a mission... to find The ATOM!

16. ATOM - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Ray is all decked out as ATOM. Is he ready to face the hoods?

17. Going for the Gut Tackle - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Doesn't it look like ATOM is about to be taken down at the waist?

18. Are You Talkin' to Me? - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

ATOM doesn't seem all that phased by a dude with an arrow.

19. Awww.. Oliver! - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Ray takes off his ATOM helmet to appeal to Oliver, the man under the hood.

20. Suicidal Ladies - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Layla and Cupid get to know each other on the mission.

21. Leading the Charge - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Diggle leads Layla and Cupid as they search the woods.

22. Fearsome Foursome - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Diggle, Deadshot, Cupid and Laya pound the tracks.

23. Strolling in the Woods - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

It's almost like a first date for these two cut throats.

24. Flirty - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Is it any surprise that Cupid is being flirty with Deadshot?

25. At the Ready - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Do we have a new team in the making? This could work.

26. Calling in Assistance - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Lyla is calling for assistance. Looks like Deadshot has been hit!

27. Oh No! - Arrow Season 3 Episode 17

Cupid must be very worried...her new boy toy is already injured. At least he's shirtless. Just sayin'.

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