Arrow Photos from "Deathstroke"

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These photos are from Arrow Season 2 Episode 18.

The hour is titled "Deathstroke" and it first airs on April 2, 2014 at 8/7c. Click around and enjoy!

1. Slade Makes His Move

Despite the cuffs, Slade makes his move against Oliver on Arrow. "Deathstroke" is the 18th episode of the show's second season.

2. Sara at the Precinct

Sara might be talking to Oliver in this photo from "Deathstroke."

3. Leaning at the Precinct

Oliver is leaning and waiting at the precinct in "Deathstroke."

4. Is Slade Cutting a Deal?

Slade's not going down in one episode right? Is this him cutting deal in "Deathstroke"?

5. Moira Wants Answers

Moira is looking for answers in this photo from "Deathstroke."

6. Turning Away

Moira turning away from Oliver in "Deathstroke." News on Thea and Slade must be near.

7. A Meeting of the Minds

Diggle, Sara and Oliver with Moira running up behind them. Is there news on Thea? "Deathstroke"

8. Oliver at the Precinct

Did they catch Slade? Was Oliver just conducting business as usual while the police looked for Thea? Find out on "Deathstroke."

9. How Dare They?

Lance looks awfully angry at whatever is going down in the precinct in "Deathstroke."

10. Office Lance Under Arrest?!

Is someone putting the cuffs on or taking them off of Officer Lance? Find out on "Deathstroke."

11. Business Not as Usual

It's not business as usual because Isabel wants to get Queen Consolidated out of Oliver's hands. Tsk tsk!

12. Isabel Rochev Looks Sly

What does Isabel have up her sleeve? She looks like a cat ready to pounce in "Deathstroke."

13. Moira at the Office

How much work has Moira been doing for Queen Consolidated? She doesn't look worried about Thea in "Deathstroke."

14. Handsome, Executive Oliver

Oliver looks quite handsome at the offices of Queen Consolidated in "Deathstroke."

15. Sign Away

Hopefully Oliver is taking the time to read whatever Isabel is asking him to sign for Queen Consolidated in "Deathstroke."

16. Conducting Business

Isabel and Oliver are conducting business at Queen Consolidated in "Deathstroke."

17. Will Talking Help?

Oliver might try talking things over with Isabel. She's been running the business. Is it too late for words?

18. Conference Room Staredown

Oliver and Isabel face off across the long conference table at Queen Consolidated.

19. Oliver at Queen Consolidated

Oliver is at the office for once, trying to protect his family's business from Isabel's control in "Deathstroke."

20. Up Against the Wall

Oliver has Isabel up against the wall -- literally. His emotions are getting the best of him.

21. Isabel's Takeover

Isabel Rochev (Summer Glau) returns for "Deathstroke," as she intends to take Queen Consolidated away from Oliver.

22. Oliver's World Crumbles

Oliver's world starts to crumble when Slade gets his hands on Thea. What's next?

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