Arrow Photos from "City of Blood"

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Enjoy these network photos from Arrow Season 2 Episode 21.

This installment will air on May 1, 2014 on The CW.

1. Laurel and the Arrow Flee

Laurel and the Arrow flee from Mirakuru soldiers in this photo from "City of Blood."

2. Mirakuru Army

Slade has created a Mirakuru army with little Deathstroke masks to match his. Awwww.

3. Arrow and Laurel Against an Army

Laurel has on her running shoes as she an Arrow go up against the Mirakuru army in "City of Blood."

4. Pulling an Arrow

Arrow reaches for one as he walks down a hall in "City of Blood."

5. Stoic Arrow

Arrow is ready for a fight in "City of Blood." Can't imagine he'll be in a good mood after recent events!

6. Laurel Swings!

Laurel swings at a Mirakuru army man to free Oliver in this photo from "City of Blood."

7. Mirakuru Army Man Down

Seems like Laurel and Arrow make a good team as they successfully fought off a Mirakuru army man in this photo from "City of Blood."

8. Arrow in Action

The Arrow fights a member of the Mirakuru army in "City of Blood."

9. Strangle Hold!

The Arrow is being strangled by a member of the Mirakuru army! Oh noooos!

10. Arrow Throws a Punch

Arrow has a lot of anger to get out and he's letting loose on the Mirakuru Army in "City of Blood."

11. Feet to the Face!

Arrow uses the feet to the face trick on a Mirakuru army member in "City of Blood."

12. Blood Rises!

Sebastian Blood wants the army to rise at his feet in this photo from "City of Blood."

13. Sebastian Blood in Concert

Sebastian Blood speaks to his minions in this photo from "City of Blood."

14. Bad Blood

Sebastian Blood looks a little worn out after talking to his minions in "City of Blood."

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