Arrow Photos from "Canaries"

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"Canaries" is Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

1. Canaries Together for the First Time - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

When Vertigo gives Laurel a full dose, she faces her biggest fear -- Sara as Canary.

2. Bad Guy Alert - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Here comes the bad guy. Arrow and Arsenal are in hot pursuit.

3. The Double A Team - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Arrow and Arsenal are running about Starling City!

4. Arrow Steals Arsenal's Move Season 3 Episode 13

Arrow is pulling a signature Arsenal jump. No stealing!

5. Caught Ya! - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Arrow catches up with Black Canary. This appears to be pre-Vertigo.

6. No Choice But to Watch - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Arrow and Arsenal appear to feel they have no choice but to watch Black Canary self destruct.

7. Another Shot - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Oliver gives talking Black Canary off the ledge another shot.

8. Gone Girl - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Well, Black Canary seems to be a gone girl. What happened?

9. The Sexy Canary - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

The original Canary definitely had a more sexy side to her.

10. Propped Up - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Black Canary is propping herself back up. Is she ready to fight back?

11. Black Canary Makes a Move - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Black Canary gains some control and appears ready to confront her sister.

12. Jumping Again! - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Is jumping the new thing? It seems everybody is doing it.

13. Another Look - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Vertigo seems awfully straight faced as he looks at the Canaries.

14. The Original - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

The Original Canary up against Vertigo, holding Black Canary's baton. Has Black Canary become Canary in her visions?

15. Hey Big Sister - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Sara stares down at her big sister, perhaps wondering why they look so similar, perhaps cheering her on...

16. Bloody Bird - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Black Canary looks a little worse for the wear, but she has some rockin' boots!

17. Baton in Hand - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Is Vertigo about to beat Black Canary with her own baton?

18. The Hood - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

The Hood is back on the prowl. Will Capt. Lance ever admit he knows it's Oliver?

19. He's Back - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Vertigo is back and he's about to create a nightmare.

20. Longing - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Felicity is giving a longing look. For what is she longing?

21. Working on Form - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Ray Palmer is working on his exosuit which will transform him into ATOM.

22. Aiding an Upcoming Hero - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Felicity is continuing to aid an upcoming hero in Ray.

23. Making Plans - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Felicity seems quite interested in how the suit is coming along.

24. Heart to Heart - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Oliver and Thea have a heart to heart conversation.

25. Arsenal Drops By - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Roy is suited up as he breaks into the sibling's discussion.

26. Roy and Thea - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Roy and Thea chat, and from what we know, he warns her of Malcolm.

27. Forlorn - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Thea doesn't look happy. Did the chats get to her?

28. What Does She Know? - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Malcolm looks as if he's unsure what to think of Thea. Does she know about him?

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