Arrow Photos from "Blind Spot"

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Laurel is in trouble on the Arrow episode "Blind Spot.

Check out photos from the installment now, which also include shots of Slade Wilson, Sebastian and Maya.

1. Laurel is Arrested

Tough break here for Laurel. The character is handcuffed on the Arrow installment "Blind Spot."

2. Adam and Laurel

Adam confronts Laurel in this scene from Arrow. It is courtesy of the episode "Blind Spot."

3. Laurel's Pills

Laurel has a pill problem. And it comes to light on the Arrow episode "Blind Spot."

4. Laurel Looks Scared

Laurel looks frightened in this Arrow scene, and for good reason. She's about to get arrested.

5. Finding Her Pills

Gotcha, Laurel! The lawyer is taken into custody here after cops find her pills.

6. Will Oliver Help?

Oliver has a lot to ponder on Arrow Season 2. This is a photo from "Blind Spot."

7. Convincing Oliver

Laurel tries to do some convincing in this Arrow scene. She's in trouble with the law.

8. Laurel's Risk

The Arrow episode "Blind Spot" centers on Laurel. Specifically, on her pill problem.

9. Sticking By Laurel

Laurel gets arrested on the Arrow episode "Blind Spot." But no way is Oliver leaving her side.

10. Laurel is Abducted

This looks foreboding for Laurel. She's abducted in this Arrow Season 2 scene.

11. Sebastian's Secrets

We all know Sebastian has some dark secrets. They get exposed on the Arrow episode "Blind Spot."

12. Sebastian and Maya

Sebastian and Maya are featured in this Arrow scene. It is courtesy of the Season 2 episode "Blind Spot."

13. Things Get Scary

Whoa there! Things get a bit dark and scary in this Arrow Season 2 scene.

14. The Rosary

We focus on The Rosary in this scene from Arrow Season 2. It is taken from "Blind Spot."

15. Slade Wilson

We're up close and personal with Slade Wilson for this Arrow photo. He is one shady dude.

16. Tense Times

This is a scene from "Blind Spot." It's the 11th episode of a terrfic Arrow Season 2.

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