Arrow Photos from "Birds of Prey"

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The upcoming episode of Arrow it titled "Birds of Prey" and will feature the strong female characters on the series.

Arrow Season 2 Episode 17 will air on Wednesday, March 26 at 8/7c. Enjoy these pictures now!


1. The Huntress is Back!

She's back, folks! What Arrow fan has not missed The Huntress?!?

2. Jessica De Gouw as The Huntress

Jessica De Gouw as Helena Bertinelli "The Huntress" in "Birds of Prey."

3. Hot Canary

Sara is all suited up and ready for action as Canary in this still from "Birds of Prey."

4. Arrow Keeping Watch

The Arrow is keeping watch for The Huntress so she doesn't do anyone harm on "Birds of Prey."

5. Laurel the Hostage

Look out Laurel! Laurel is one of The Huntress' hostages. Or is it Helena herself who takes the hostages in "Birds of Prey"?

6. Canary Portrait

Here's a lovely portrait shot of Canary from "Birds of Prey."

7. Officer Lance Shoots!

Here's a great shot of Officer Lance setting his gun on fire! Save the world, Officer Lance!

8. Huntress Talking Down

The Huntress is talking down to someone. Is it Laurel? She's taking the courthouse hostage in "Birds of Prey."

9. Smoky Arrow Shot

The Arrow looks kinda hot in this smoky shot from "Birds of Prey," right? Just nod yes.

10. The Arrow in Profile

Here's a great profile shot of Oliver as The Arrow in "Birds of Prey."

11. Come and Get Me

Canary is always ready for action on Arrow and in particular in the upcoming "Birds of Prey."

12. Assisting Dad

Canary is in for an assist with Officer Lance in "Birds of Prey."

13. Poised and Ready

Oliver is ready for action in "Birds of Prey." Keeping an eye out for The Huntress?

14. Another Ex Girlfriend

Helena 'The Huntress' Bertinelli is back on Arrow in "Birds of Prey."

15. Go Ahead. I Dare You!

If Canary isn't daring someone to rush her with this pose, then what is she doing? "Birds of Prey" can't come soon enough!

16. A Hunting She Will Go

The Huntress doing what she does best. Hunting some poor soul with her arrow in "Birds of Prey."

17. Are We Safe?

Laurel is one of those taken hostage by The Huntress during Frank Bertinelli's trial in "Birds of Prey."

18. It's Me, Sara!

Canary saves Laurel during a hostage situation with The Huntress in "Birds of Prey." Why is Laurel holding a bottle of wine?! Did she fall off the wagon? Please tell her the secret. Let her in on something.

19. How About a Hand?

Is this it? The moment Laurel recognizes Canary as her sister Sara in "Birds of Prey"?

20. Laurel Has Canary's Back!

Does Laurel know she's backing her sister? If anyone can see through Canary's disguise, it has to be Laurel, right?

21. Canary and Laurel in "Birds of Prey"

Canary comes face to face with Laurel in "Birds of Prey." Holding out for Laurel to be let in on the secret.

22. Laurel and Canary on the Prowl

Laurel and Canary are on the prowl and looking for something or someone in "Birds of Prey."

23. Laurel Kicking Ass!

It looks like Laurel will hold her own when the "Birds of Prey" take over Arrow next week! Sobriety looks good, Laurel!

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