Arrow Photos from "Al Sah-Him"

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Arrow Season 3 Episode 21 is titled "Al Sah-Him" and we have photos.

1. Hunted - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

Is John Diggle one of those hunted by the League?

2. Help Me - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

Nyssa asks Laurel for help when the League comes after her.

3. She's In Trouble - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

Laurel tells John what's going on with Nyssa. Will he care?

4. Target - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

Nyssa is targeted by the League of Assassins. Why?

5. The New Team Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

We have a new Team Arrow on hand. Diggle, Felicity and Laurel.

6. Hanging Out - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

Thea is hanging out in the new Arrow lair at Palmer Industries.

7. The New Lair - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

Despite things breaking down with Ray, Palmer Industries is the new home base.

8. Looking It Over - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

Diggle takes a look at the new controls at home base.

9. Helping a Friend - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

Laurel calls upon her old friends to help a new one.

10. A Friend in Need - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

When the League of Assassins comes after Nyssa, she needs help.

11. Should We Help? - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

Diggle and Felicity consider whether to help Nyssa.

12. Missing Him - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

Although it's safe to say Felicity is crying into Diggle's shoulder, it looks like he's pulled her into an uncomfortable, face planted squeeze!

13. Al Sah-Him - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

This the the Heir to the Demon, Al Sah-Him. You might recognize him.

14. Heir to the Demon - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

This is the Heir to the Demon, formerly known as Oliver Queen.

15. My Name WAS Oliver Queen - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

This dude was once Oliver Queen! He's now Al Sah-Him.

16. Taking Aim - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

Diggle is taking Al Sah-Him formerly known as Oliver Queen?!

17. Crouching Canary - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

Black Canary crouches, a lonely hero beside her wingman.

18. He's Gone - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

It looks like their suspect got away. Did they recognize him?

19. On Guard - Arrow Season 3 Episode 21

Nyssa is on guard as she prepared for an LoA attack.

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