Arrow at Midseason: Most Shocking Moment, Biggest Let Down & More!

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With nine episodes behind us, we're taking a look at Arrow Season 4 so far.

While we're calling it a midseason checkup, we're hardly halfway there, as we still have 14 full and ambitious hours to go.

What have we seen? A whole heck of a lot.

There have been incredible guest stars, shocking moments, a paternity reveal, deaths of everyone, terrible violence at the hands of a new, heinous villain and much more.

Scroll through our breakdown and let us know your thoughts while we wait for Arrow's return on Wednesday, January 20th.

If you're aching for more before then, you can watch Arrow online to relive every moment.


1. Most Compelling Overarching Season Mystery

Setting up the who's in the grave mystery was rather brilliant, even if it is annoying as all get out. Annoying from a fan perspective to learn the writers apparently didn't have an end game in mind at the time they filmed the scene shown in the gif. Shouldn't they know that before writing such a scene? It also sets up fan groups to mutilate each other with the hope they will reign supreme and their favorite character will not make it into the grave. On the positive side, it has given fans something to analyze and discuss all season long. If done well, that can be a lot of fun.

2. Best Guest Star

There's no doubt at all that the best guest star comes courtesy of Matt Ryan as John Constantine on Arrow Season 4 Episode 5, "Haunted." While it wasn't the best story or even the best integration of a guest star, using him to bring Sara's body and soul back together was a great way to honor Constantine fans and do the cancellation of that show justice. Matt Ryan never disappoints, and he proved once again he has chemistry with everyone. Bringing him as Constantine and/or the show back full time in some way or form would be justified.

3. Most Heinous Villain

Damian Darhk is mystical, powerful, sometimes compassionate, a shockingly good conversationalist, ridiculously witty, distrubingly heinous and full of surprises. Whether he's using a simple hand gesture to toss a man across a room or stunning someone with a one liner, he never stops being entertaining. He doesn't pull any punches, and if he says he's going to come for you, look out, he's right behind you or, worse yet, already in front of you. And you never know what's next. A family? Did any of us see that coming? Here's hoping he keeps rolling for a long time.

4. Biggest Let Down

We admit it. We like girl power, and the thought of two Canaries and Speedy fighting together got us a little excited. The preview was awfully exciting, but the end result was anything but memorable. How could we know Sara and Canary would both be suffering from blood lust? Oh well. At least we still have this cool looking gif.

5. Most Unnecessary Story Change

Oliver has a son. We learned that while Moira was still alive, and always thought it would be Connor Hawke, the boy who one day follows in his father's footsteps. Instead, it's a boy named William who Oliver had with a woman named Samantha Clayton. As this boy is not Connor, now we wonder if he and his mother have been brought in strictly as a plot device for the Olicity relationship to survive or to help Oliver grow in some way. Honestly, does anybody think Arrow will be around long enough to offer up a second son, one that will take over for Oliver? They should have just waited and introduced Connor Hawke.

6. Most Dramatic Scene

Oliver and Quentin Lance finally having their moment on Arrow Season 4 Episode 4, "Beyond Redemption," airing their grievances and expressing their contempt, disguest and begrudging respect for one another was beautiful. Stephen Amell gave one of his best, if not the best performances of his tenure on Arrow. If you don't believe us, go back and watch again.

7. Most Shocking Moment

During the Big Crossover Event of Arrow Season 4 Episode 8, "Legends of Yesterday," Oliver wasn't thinking straight after discovering he had a son. At least that's how Barry spun the resulting disaster, which included blowing everyone to smithereens with a blast of fire. It was pretty darn shocking and unexpected. Granted, it couldn't stay that way, but it was amazing to watch.

8. Most Heroes in One Room

During the Big Crossover Event of Arrow Season 4 Episode 8, "Legends of Yesterday," there were more heroes (or future legends) than you could shake a stick at. While things didn't work out all that well before The Flash turned back time, all these heroes worked really well together and dispatched Vandal Savage. Unfortunately, none of them brought their shop vac, and left his ashes behind, and we can only guess that's the menace continues. Live and learn, people.

9. Best Love Story

Oliver and Felicity have a happy and stable relationship, one that has matured and grown with them. As the season opened, Oliver was planning on proposing but was pulled back into the Arrow team and put it off. After Felicity and Donna found the ring, Oliver decided once again. They have chosen each other, but there are always obstacles. They will always be tested, but so far, so good!

10. Best New Couple

Viewers saw the potential between a Quentin Lance/Donna Smoak hookup almost immediately, but thankfully it wasn't a relationship that came before its time. Always wondering what it might be like if and when it happened allowed for the natural timing of it to be just right. These two are adorable, and we hope their newfound happiness doesn't mean one of them is destined for sadness as a result.

11. Biggest Tease

Felicity being mowed down by a hail of bullets was terrifying, but as bad as she looks, nobody really thinks she's going to die. No matter how many cut away scenes there are with Oliver at the grave and Felcity in the hospital, nobody suspects her of being in it. So, it's a tease to get the juices pumping, just like they killed Oliver a few times already. Everybody else is on the table, but not them.

12. Best Use of a Heroic Move

Black Canary has grown by leaps and bounds since she first debuted, and nothing proved that more than when the Canary Cry was put to the test in freeing Felicity, Thea and Diggle from the tenacious grasp of Damian Darhk. They were behind bulletproof glass and waiting to be gassed, something Oliver had witnessed shortly before, and it wasn't pretty. Thanks to mastering the device created for her by her new friend Cisco Ramon, Black Canary was able to break the glass to get them out. It made the Cry much more than a prop.

13. Most Significant Career Change

Oliver decided to run for mayor of Star City when all of the candidates kept dying. His decision was two-fold. Not only does he believe he can properly protect himself and come out of the other end alive, but he also believes it's time for him to bring his fight into the light, and acting as mayor is a great juxtaposition to Green Arrow. Nonetheless, it's polar opposite from what we would almost consider his "night job," or the one he does only shrouded in darkness.

14. Best Green Arrow Stand-In

Who would have guessed Malcolm Merlyn, the new Ra's Al Ghul himself, would make such a great Green Arrow? It was fun seeing him don the outfit and partner up with Laurel in her "BDSM" outfit to rescue the gang from Damian Darhk. There is probably no one better equipped to go toe-to-toe with Darhk, and if it wasn't for magic, he would have killed the bastard. This was a great day for MM!

15. Most Heavy Handed Callback

When Oliver, Felicity and Diggle got together for their OTA – Original Team Arrow – cocktails, it was a little heavy handed, almost a passing of the mantle and last harkening to what once was. But, still, it was nice to see them together for what, we assume, was the last big reference to that team. After all, it's been a long time since it was only the three of them, and it never will be again. It also made us wonder if one of them might be in the grave. So. Many. Questions.

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