American Horror Story: 19 Moments That Made Our Skin Crawl

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For seven seasons, American Horror Story has reigned as the king of horror television. From Murder House to Cult, AHS has prided itself on telling horrific tales in the most gruesome ways possible.

No one wants to live their life having nightmares night after night, but that's the reality if you're an AHS fan.

There have been many times when we've had to look away from the screen or fast forward to keep the scares at bay. Sometimes what we're seeing is so unbelievable that looking away isn't an option. 

It's those moments that seem to stick with us, giving us the heebie-jeebies over and over and over again and you can get them, too, when you watch American Horror Story online.

Here are 19 moments that truly made our skin crawl! 

Be sure to tune into American Horror Story Season 8 Episode 1 as "The End" begins on Apocalypse!






1. Phobia Anyone? (Cult)

Who knew there was such a thing as trypophobia, but leave it to AHS to bring out that fear in everyone with their crazy pre-season teasers.

2. Johnny Morgan Drinks Milk (Asylum)

Prostitutes probably see lots of bizarre things, but when a grown man asks to suckle your new mom breasts, it might be one for the memory books. And while we know Johnny has some serious issues, what's even more creepy is the fact that Pandora even allowed it. The things some people will do for money!

3. Cordelia Blinds Herself (Coven)

Cordelia's plan to bring back her second sight by gouging out her ill-gotten eyes with a pair of garden scissors wasn't the most brilliant plan on her part. But kudos to her for the courage to do something so ghastly. Still, it makes us feel weird all over every time we replay that scene in our heads.

4. Brains for Baby (Murder House)

Morning sickness is a horrible thing, but we'd rather eat dry crackers than juicy pig's brains to ease the queasies. Vivien doesn't mind and seems to enjoy her newfound culinary dish. Still, the sight of her downing that bloody mess is enough to make us gag.

5. Dirty Mattress (Hotel)

We don't know how the mattress monster came to be, but we can venture to guess it might have been created from all the cooties collected over the years and years of people sleeping on it. Just think of that biological mess hiding under those sheets -- oh, wait, AHS has already done it for you.

6. The Piggy Man (Roanoke)

Many aspects of Roanoke made our skin crawl, but the idea of a man wearing a pig's head sent us right over the edge. Can you imagine the smell? **shudder**

7. Blood Bath (Freak Show)

Rub-a-dub-dub. In momma's blood. All Dandy is missing is a little rubber ducky to make his bath complete. While we're all for a relaxing time in the tub, getting prune skin from a tub full of your mother's blood makes us want to scrub our skin raw just to get the thought out of our minds.

8. Bloody Face (Asylum)

Another guy who likes to cover his skin with skin that's not his own. At least Dr. Thredson takes the time to cure his second skin before donning it -- not that it makes it any less horrific as to how he actually acquired his second skin!

9. Dolls (Coven)

Dolls are evil, creepy things that come alive at night to pick out your eyes. And if you don't believe that, you can check out Spalding's collection of tea party dolls, especially the one named Madison who used to be an actual living person!

10. Twisty's Revelation (Freak Show)

Twisty's grotesque grin was more than enough to send us screaming, but when he removed his mask to reveal what was underneath, the goosebumps never stopped coming.

11. Vivien's Ultrasound (Murder House)

Looking inside your body via ultrasound is weird in all kinds of ways, but when you've got the Anti-Christ growing inside you, and it decides to make its presence known by scraping its nails across the inside of your belly, that's just something that makes us want to peel our skin right off.

12. Creepy Kids (Hotel)

Creepy kids running around in a hotel full of murderous ghosts gives us the heebie jeebies. It doesn't matter that most of the kids were forced into their current predicament. The fact that they even exist at all is a serious problem.

13. It's Raining...Teeth (Roanoke)

Sometimes you have to wonder what goes through the head of these characters on AHS. If we walked outside to find ourselves in a torrential downpour of human teeth, we'd quickly pack up our bags and head out of Dodge. We definitely wouldn't stand there in our bare feet, or worse, pick up one of the ugly suckers to get a closer look! Ewww.

14. Those Eyes (Coven)

Papa Legba is the stuff of nightmares. Having to see his evil red eyes is an image we can never unsee no matter how hard we try.

15. A Mother's Love (Coven)

We'll never shake off the image of Kyle's mother planting extra special kisses on her zombie son. All mothers love their children, but what she did to him is reprehensible. May she rot in Hell.

16. Cheeto Face (Cult)

Throwing Cheetos into a blender and then smearing the results all over your face is not what we'd consider a fun way to spend our afternoon. Call us prudes, if you will, but the thought of that orange mess even touching our skin sends our willie nillies into overdrive.

17. I Like Leg Meat (Roanoke)

Lee getting her leg sliced up by the Polks was almost too much to handle. The least they could have done was give her some happy drugs before they started carving her up!

18. Queenie's Minotaur Sexventure (Coven)

No woman should ever subject herself to something so horrific, and while the act itself was beyond gruesome, Queenie giving herself to a freakish beast for no other reason than she was desperate for love makes our skin crawl in all the worst ways.

19. Happy Hands (Freak Show)

Men can do wonder with their hands, but there's no way we'd ever let someone like Jimmy Darling come anywhere near us. We don't care how many lonely housewives he's got lined up at the door!

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American Horror Story Quotes

There's not going to be a swimming pool, you stupid slut.


I needed to believe that a normal life was possible after Camp Redwood, a glimmer of hope after all that darkness. Your dad was that for me.
