All American Photos from "Back in the Day"

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Coop's dad is coming back into her life on All American Season 1 Episode 12, and she is going to experience mixed emotions at the reunion. 

Will he stick around now that he's back, or vanish from her life as quickly as he returned? We'll have to wait and see. 

Olivia has been helping Asher as a way to help herself keep her sobriety, but she's going to start to struggle with it. Will she be able to keep a handle on it, or will we see her relapse?

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Spencer and Layla still look like a happy couple, but will it stay that way? Now that Asher has moved in with Layla, things could get awkward. 

Billy will reveal something to Laura that he did to protect his family. It has to be that he switched out Jordan's urine sample, right? What else could it be?

Check out our photos and be sure to watch All American online if you need to catch up!

1. Coop's Surprise - All American Season 1 Episode 12

Coop gets a surprise visitor! Her dad has come back into her life. Will he be able to accept her as she is? Perhaps he can help her get out of the gang life.

2. Coop's Dad - All American Season 1 Episode 12

Coop's dad is back in the picture, causing her to feel conflicting emotions. How will their reunion go?

3. Reunited - All American Season 1 Episode 12

By the looks of the hug, we're going to assume it's so far so good as far as the father/daughter reunion is going. They at least seem happy to see each other. Will it last?

4. Happy Couple - All American Season 1 Episode 12

Spencer and Layla look so happy together, don't they? So far Asher moving in with Layla must not be having negative effects on their relationship. They really are a cute couple!

5. Class - All American Season 1 Episode 12

How often have we actually seen any of these characters actually in class? Normally we only see them at school is when they are on the football field.

6. Chip - All American Season 1 Episode 12

Is Olivia receiving a chip for her sobriety? Good for her! The struggle to stay sober will continue for her though. Stay strong Olivia!

7. Brotherly Support - All American Season 1 Episode 12

Aww, Jordan is supporting his sister at her AA meeting. What a good brother! Olivia will need her family and friends to help her stay sober. Lucky for her, she has a great support system.

8. Applause - All American Season 1 Episode 12

Billy and Laura are supportive parents! They are proud of Olivia for staying sober and earning her chip. She couldn't have done it without them!

9. Family Hug - All American Season 1 Episode 12

This is one big happy family! They are all so loving and supportive of each other, it's hard not to be a little bit envious. They're all there for Olivia even as she struggles with her sobriety. They'll always be there for her no matter what!

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All American Quotes

How about you take care of your own damn problems and stop making them mine?

Preach [to Coop]

You came back. That's all that matters. No one is expecting you to do everything by yourself. I'm here for you.

Grace [to Spencer]