12 Shocking Deaths on The Walking Dead

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What was the most shocking death in The Walking Dead history?

We go back in time and relive a bunch here.

1. Axel

He was the last surviving prison inmate of the group and his unexpected death was at the hands of the opening shots of the Governor's first assault on the prison. It was the calm before the storm.

2. Shane

This felt like a long time coming, but Rick was forced to kill his once best friend. On top of that, the undead version of Shane was eliminated by Carl in order to save Rick. Shane just wouldn't stay down.

3. T-Dog

Maybe it was shocking T-Dog lasted as long as he did, but he became that underdog to root for. He also went out a hero, letting himself be bitten so Carol could survive.

4. Otis

This friend of Hershel's family may not have lasted long, but the fact that Shane shot him in order to survive was a surprise. Who knew Shane had it him?

5. Sophia

Her storyline may have dragged on, but it was still a shock to see Sophia stumble out of the barn as a walker. It was a powerful way to end the midseaon finale of The Walking Dead Season 2, especially with Rick finishing her off for good.

6. Lizzie

She was crazy to begin with, but the fact that Carol killed Lizzie revealed just how dark the world has become. And it was a bold move by the show itself to not back out from such a controversial death.

7. Hershel

Hershel's beheading initiated the final prison battle against the Governor. It was a graphic death enhanced by the shots of his screaming daughters.

8. Merle

This death was shocking made for the fact that viewers saw the reveal the same time as Daryl. Merle ended up a walker, but he still managed to do one last good deed in taking down some of the Governor's men. You even secretly wished he lived.

9. Lori

Lori's death was a true surprise not only because she went into labor after a walker attack, but Carl then was forced to kill her. The fact that it took place so early in The Walking Dead Season 3 made it even more surprising and revealed that truly no one was safe on the show.

10. Tyreese

The protector of babies and gentle soul who held onto his humanity during the zombie apocalypse met his demise after getting a chomp to the arm. Twice. Even he was surprised by the walker attack.

11. Gareth

He was the leader of Terminus and his surprising death was at the hands of Rick’s swinging machete. Not only did he not stick around to be an antagonist to the survivors, but it just goes to show that eating people always ends badly.

12. Beth

She was about to return to her group when Dawn’s gun went off during the intense prisoner exchange. She definitely grew since her time on the farm, and her death was an emotional gut punch to the survivors.

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The Walking Dead Quotes

Shane: What's the difference between men and women.
Rick: Is this a joke?
Shane: No serious. I've never met a woman who knew how to turn off the light. Born thinking the switch only goes one way: on.

Hey you. Dumbass. Yeah, you in the tank. Cozy in there?

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