9 Great Summer Bromances

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Summer is more than sun, sand and romance. It's also a time when life long friendships are made. Check out our 9 Great Bromances of Summer.

1. Harvey and Mike (Suits - USA)

They're competitive enough to be at each other's throats but when push comes to shove they'll always have one another's backs.

2. Scott and Stiles (Teen Wolf - MTV)

I'll go with the completely obvious: Scott and Stiles from Teen Wolf. Closer to brothers than bros at this point. Scott and Stiles have each other's back no matter what teen life or the supernatural throw at them. - Nick McHatton

3. Provenza and Flynn (Major Crimes - TNT)

They'd never admit it, but we can't imagine one without the other. If TNT wanted to do a spinoff with just these two, we'd be all in.

4. Neal and Peter (White Collar - USA)

The conman and the FBI agent. On the surface they shouldn't be colleagues, let alone friends but the surprise of the series is how they've become as close as brothers. With the last season looming it's going to be hard to let them go.

5. Dov and Chris (Rookie Blue - ABC)

They came in as rookies and have been side by side through it all but Chris' drug abuse may put one of the great bromances on TV in jeopardy.

6. Christopher and John Ross (Dallas - TNT)

It's rare to find these cousins working together but the moments when they do remind us that they grew up like brothers. Money and power may tear them apart but family almost always brings them back together.

7. Blackbeard and Tom Lowe (Crossbones - NBC)

The show has really surprised me on the depth of character development. Blackbeard is not all "bad" and Lowe is not all "good" and that combination has made the show really fun to watch. - Jim Garner

8. Lewicki and Pierce (Perception - TNT)

Even though Pierce pays Lewicki to be his assitant, they are bros for sure. Recently Lewicki beat Pierce in chess, which was a pretty comedic scene as Pierce was shocked! The part about their bromance is that Lewicki is used to all of Pierce's deluisions. Let's not forget how Lewicki missed Pierce while he was in Paris! So cute! - Kate Medrano

9. Evan and Hank (Royal Pains - USA)

The boys from Passaic, New Jersey have come a long way. Maybe not in miles as much as maturity. These brothers have learned to rely on one another in ways they never thought possible when they first set foot in the Hamptons.

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Suits, Teen Wolf, White Collar, Rookie Blue, Major Crimes, Dallas, Perception, Royal Pains
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Suits Quotes

Don't sell her sass short.


Rachel: I just watched the man that I love go to prison so that none of you have to and it hasn't been five minutes and you're already ripping each other apart.
Harvey: Rachel.
Rachel: Let me finish. I thought I wanted to be alone tonight and then I realized that I didn't because I wanted to be with my family. If you can't keep it together tonight, of all nights, then as far as I'm concerned you can all rot in hell.