8 Great Vampire Diaries Quotes from Episode 100

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We didn't love The Vampire Diaries' "500 Years of Solitude" as an episode.

But it did feature some outstanding quotes. Relive many of them now.


1. How am I the only person on the planet who's not having scandalous sex?

Caroline and bon bon

How am I the only person on the planet who's not having scandalous sex?

How am I the only person on the planet who's not having scandalous sex?

2. I forgive you. You weren't born evil. Life made you that way.

Covering up

I forgive you. You weren't born evil. Life made you that way.

I forgive you. You weren't born evil. Life made you that way.

3. You deserve to feel peace.

Katherine pierce photo

Katherine: I don't deserve to be loved.
Stefan: You deserve to feel peace.

Katherine: I don't deserve to be loved. Stefan: You deserve to feel peace.

4. He says you're a dick.

Tvd quartet

Alaric: You honestly think I'd leave Damon in charge and not look back?
Damon: He's talking about me, isn't he?
Jeremy: He says you're a dick.

Alaric: You honestly think I'd leave Damon in charge and not look back? Damon: He's talking about me, isn't he? Jeremy: He says you're a...

5. Katherine Frickin Pierce can have a selfless moment, and I can't?

One drink for damon

Katherine Frickin Pierce can have a selfless moment, and I can't?

Katherine Frickin Pierce can have a selfless moment, and I can't?

6. I literally just whooshed at the sight of your face… so no.

Klaus and caroline

Klaus: You're not the least bit interested in why I'm here?
Caroline: I literally just whooshed at the sight of your face… so no.

Klaus: You're not the least bit interested in why I'm here? Caroline: I literally just whooshed at the sight of your face… so no.

7. If anyone is drinking to anyone's last days, it's me.

Drinks all around

If anyone is drinking to anyone's last days, it's me.

If anyone is drinking to anyone's last days, it's me.

8. I'm Katherine Pierce. I survive.

Katherine photograph

I'm Katherine Pierce. I survive.

I'm Katherine Pierce. I survive.

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