29 Most Memorable Caskett Moments

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When it all began back in March of 2009, we had no idea how much we'd fall in love with this epic love story wrapped in a quirky murder mystery.

Now we can't believe it's over.

After eight seasons, (and seven of them good!), it's time for Castle Season 8 Episode 22 – the series finale.

From the moment Rick Castle met Kate Beckett, we knew this show and this couple had something special. They were smart, sexy, funny, and had chemistry so hot they could set our TV screens on fire. 

Their romance never failed to leave us wanting more. Always.

Now it's time to look back at 29 of Caskett's most memorable moments. Goodness knows we're going to miss them when they're gone.

Alas, we can always watch Castle online here at TV Fanatic. 

1. It Was About the Story - Castle Season 1 Episode 1

It may have begun with murder but Kate Beckett had a back story and Richard Castle was intrigued. As Castle said, "The point is, there's always a story. You just have to find it." From the moment he profiled Detective Kate Beckett while they read fan letters from his crazy fans, we were hooked. Beckett looked shocked and a little mortified by how close he got to her story. To his credit, Castle looked chagrined that his attempts at guessing her history seemed to cause her pain. For fans, it was the start of a complex and provocative relationship of which we could never get enough.

2. You Have No Idea - Castle Season 1 Episode 1

The moment Detective Kate Beckett turned down his offer of a "debriefing" and walked away, Richard Castle was hooked and so were we. We had no idea then but now we know that it was the beginning of an epic love story.

3. Beckett Shares Her Story - Castle Season 1 Episode 5

After working several cases side by side, Beckett finally told Castle about her mother's unsolved murder. She explained how the man's watch she wore was to honor her father, the life she'd saved, and the ring on a chain was for her mom, the life she'd lost. Just when emotion threatened to overtake them both, Beckett lightened the moment, "So, I guess your Nikki Heat has a back-story now, Castle." Did she ever.

4. Extraordinary - Castle Season 1 Episode 10

In the Castle season 1 finale, Beckett was furious with Castle for looking into her mother's murder after being told to leave it alone. We may not have known if she'd take him back but there was never any doubt about how Castle felt about her..."Most people come up against a wall, they give up. Not you. You don't let go. You don't back down. That's what makes you extraordinary."

5. See You Tomorrow - Castle Season 2 Episode 1

It took Rick Castle an entire summer hiatus and all of Castle season 2 episode 1 to figure out what he'd done wrong and how to earn back his place by Beckett's side. Finally, instead of offering her ponies or trying to convince her he was right, he simply apologized. “I'm sorry. What I did was wrong. I violated your trust, I opened old wounds, and I did not respect your wishes. And if we're not going to see each other again, then you deserve to know. I'm very, very sorry.” Those heartfelt sentiments won him this simple response from Kate Beckett, “Castle? I'll see you tomorrow.”

6. Beckett Asks Castle to Stay - Castle Season 2 Episode 13

After finding her mother's killer, Beckett shot and killed him in order to save Rick Castle. Feeling guilty, he decided he shouldn't shadow her any longer but Beckett's reaction surprised him...“If you tell anyone what I'm about to say, there's going to be another shooting. But... I've gotten used to you pulling my pigtails. I have a hard job, Castle, and having you around makes it a little more fun.”

7. The Run to Save Beckett - Castle Season 2 Episode 17

With a serial killer taking his cues from the Nikki Heat books, Rick Castle took it personally when the man targeted his muse. Castle set up camp on Beckett's sofa in order to protect her. Believing that the madman was dead, Rick went home, only to realize their mistake. In an epic moment, he managed to get Kate on the phone just before her apartment blew up with her inside.

8. Castle Heads to the Hamptons...with Gina! - Castle Season 2 Episode 24

Ugh! Just as Kate Beckett found to courage to break up with Tom Demming and ask Castle if his invitation to the Hamptons was still available...she found out it wasn't. Fans threw things at their screens when Gina (Castle's publish and ex-wife #2) showed up to join Rick for the weekend. The expression on Beckett's face haunted us all summer long.

9. Beckett Interrogates Castle - Castle Season 3 Episode 1

When Castle finally returned from his summer in the Hamptons, it was as a murder suspect! That gave Beckett a reason to interrogate him...not only about the dead body he was found standing over but about his continuing relationship with Gina. Fans were about as happy as Kate to find out the writer and his ex-wife and publisher were still together.

10. The Kiss - Castle Season 3 Episode 13

We know it was all a ruse to distract the guard at the door...but we're fairly certain the only ones who bought that explanation were Castle and Beckett, and maybe not even them. Their first kiss was amazing. We only wish that more were quicker to follow.

11. The Freezer - Castle Season 3 Episode 17

You'd think stumbling upon a dirty bomb would be enough drama, but not for Castle and Beckett. They found themselves locked in a freezer the one time Beckett wasn't wearing one of her incredibly fashionable long coats! The upside? They had to cuddle together for warmth. If only Kate hadn't lost consciousness before telling Rick how she really felt about him.

12. One Writer Girl - Castle Season 3 Episode 21

Castle was thrilled to mentor new author Alex Conrad, until he became as fascinated by Beckett as Castle was. It led to some not so good natured hazing with Castle and his other mystery writer buddies. But when Beckett called him on it, he admitted to his jealousy, prompting Kate to decide, "From now on, I am a one-writer girl.”

13. Another Almost Moment in LA - Castle Season 3 Episode 22

Castle and Beckett shared a beautiful hotel suite while in LA. Fans held their breath as their favorite couple continued to get closer. "You know, I thought when I first met you, that you were a mystery I was never going to solve. Even now, after spending all this time with you, I... I'm still amazed. At the depth of your strength, your heart…and your hotness." But just when it appeared they might share another kiss (or maybe more!) Kate got cold feet and ran back to her room...leaving viewers wishing, if only!

14. I Love You - Castle Season 3 Episode 24

It was the season finale that rocked the fandom. Capt. Montgomery was killed. Castle and Beckett argued and then...Kate Beckett was shot! Just when we thought there couldn't be anymore surprises, Castle poured out his heart over Beckett's bleeding form, "Stay with me, Kate. Don't leave me, please. Stay with me, okay? Kate... I love you. I love you, Kate.”

15. The Swings - Castle Season 4 Episode 1

After spending months recovering from a bullet wound and hiding out from her friends...and Castle , Kate Beckett came back to the 12th precinct. From what would here on out be known as "their swings," Kate attempted to ask Castle to wait for her, "I'm not gonna be able to have the kind of relationship that I want until that wall comes down."

16. The Bank Robbery - Castle Season 4 Episode 7

"Tell me you need me." As much as we'd hoped Kate would have given him a better answer, nothing could take away from the smile on Kate Beckett's face when she found Castle alive and well after being taken hostage during the bank robbery.

17. There First Time...Cuffed! - Castle Season 4 Episode 10

We admit, we were hoping that the first time Rick and Kate were cuffed, it had a little more to do with sexy role play and a lot less to do with being held hostage, but beggars can't be choosers. "Cuffed" turned out to be a whole lot of fun as we waited for our favorite couple to finally get together and we definitely agreed with Beckett's sentiments at the end, "The next time, let's do it without the tiger.”

18. Always - Castle Season 4 Episode 23

It was the epiosde that gave fans everything they'd been hoping to see for 4 seasons. After Castle had poured his heart out and all but given up on Kate Beckett, she faced off against the trained assassin who wanted her dead. Beckett darn near fell to her death off a high rise building. The upside? It finally made Kate realize what she really wanted: Richard Castle. “I almost died, and all I could think about was you. I just want you.” Fans everywhere cheered.

19. The Morning After - Castle Season 5 Episode 1

No, it wasn't a dream. Kate Beckett and Richard Castle were finally a real romantic couple and even though their first morning together was unceremoniously cut short by Castle's family, at least Kate was able to bring him coffee.

20. Caskett in the Hamptons - Castle Season 5 Episode 4

It was a long time coming but Kate Beckett finally accompanied Richard Castle to his vacation home in the Hamptons. We only wish they could have visited more often and have done it without the murder because the Hamptons looked like a whole lot of fun.

21. Best Birthday Ever! - Castle Season 5 Episode 19

Bored out of his mind at home while recovering from a knee injury, Rick Castle is convinced he sees a murder through his window. Turns out it the entire "Rear Window" scenario was an elaborate birthday present thought up by Kate Beckett. For Castle, it was truly the best birthday ever!

22. Castle Never Leaves - Castle Season 5 Episode 22

It was an episode full of flashbacks to amazing, funny, and heartwarming Caskett moments but the core of the story was that Beckett was stuck standing on a bomb with the timer ticking away. Despite being ordered to leave, Castle only came back, with Kate's coffee, to stand by her side. Thankfully, the two of them were able to figure out the code to stop the bomb because together, Caskett can do anything.

23. Castle and Beckett Are Engaged! - Castle Season 6 Episode 1

No one was more surprised than Kate Beckett when Richard Castle proposed..."Kate, I'm not proposing to you to keep you here, or because I'm afraid I'm gonna lose you. I'm proposing because I can't imagine my life without you. If that means when things get difficult we have to figure them out, then I'm willing to figure them out. Assuming you're willing to figure them out with me." -- Thankfully, Kate said yes.

24. A Move to D.C.? - Castle Season 6 Episode 3

Rick and Kate were engaged but it was hard to be happy when they were stuck spending so much time apart, but what to do when Castle lived in New York City and Beckett's new job was in Washington, D.C.? Never one to give up, Castle had the answer. He bought an apartment and decided to move down to D.C. to be with Beckett. We almost wish we could have seen them cuddling on the couch there.

25. And Baby Makes Three - Castle Season 6 Episode 10

Well, this looks to be as close as we'll ever get to a Caskett baby, which is a shame because watching Castle and Beckett take care of little Cosmo was great fun. We'll always love this moment and wish there had been many more.

26. Castle and Beckett Get Married - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

Yes, fans should have gotten an amazing wedding in Castle Season 6 Episode 23, but since we can't go back in time (maybe we can call that time traveller guy back?), we'll just have to move on. Although we weren't a fan of the CGI background, we'll always love the vows -- Kate Beckett: The moment that I met you, my life became extraordinary. You taught me to be my best self, to look forward to tomorrow's adventures. And when I was vulnerable, you were strong. I love you, Richard Castle. And I want to live my life in the warmth of your smile and the strength of your embrace. I promise you I will love you. I will be your friend and your partner in crime and in life, always. Richard Castle: The moment we met, my life became extraordinary. You taught me more about myself than I knew there was to learn. You are the joy in my heart. You're the last person I want to see every night when I close my eyes. I love you, Katherine Beckett. And the mystery of you is the one I want to spend the rest of my life exploring. I promise to love you, to be your friend, and your partner in crime and life, 'till death do us part, and for the time of our lives.

27. The Honeymoon - Castle Season 7 Episode 7

The old west wasn't the setting we expected for a Caskett honeymoon, but leave it to Castle and Beckett to make cowboy hats, corsets, and lassos work.

28. Caskett Cuddles - Castle Season 7 Episode 15

Jerry Tyson, the 3XK killer, and his partner Dr. Kelly Niemann were back to torment Castle and Beckett in this drama filled two-parter but the best part was that when it was all over, we got to see Rick and Kate comfort one another at home.

29. Castle Toasts Beckett - Castle Season 7 Episode 23

Some may disagree, but we'll always think of "Hollander's Woods" as the proper show finale. It had the last amazing Caskett moment as Castle receieved his Poe's Pen Award and and gave the credit to his wife, “Seven years ago, I thought I would never write again. And then you walked through the door, and my whole world changed. You were right - you said I had no idea. But now I do. This is because of you. Because of us. Always.” - To Caskett, Always.

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Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
