27 Times Sam and Dean Sizzled on Supernatural

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Sam and Dean have lived life on the road for years now, hunting everything from simple monsters to big bad demons and angels -- even helping out a few good ghosts from time to time.

Over the years, their adventures have gotten more serious and there hasn't been too much time for fun, but back in the day, they had a healthy work-life balance.

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Lots of times that fun included romancing women. Other times it was just dressing up as outrageous characters just to solve a case or being goofy for no reason at all.

But in every instance, Sam and Dean's magic heated up the small screen.

Here are 27 of those times!

You can discover more Sam and Dean hotness when you watch Supernatural online, right here via TV Fanatic!

1. I'm Gene. This is Ace.

Although this was part of the gag reel and not the actual episode (Season 1 Episode 14: Nightmare), seeing Sam and Dean dressed up as wanna-be Chippendale dancers (we can pretend the priest collar is a bowtie, can't we?) was fun and sexy.

2. What Could Have Been

The possibility that Dean had a child was titillating, but it wasn't to be. Still, Dean and Lisa's relationship was hot and one of the most genuine of his troubled life.

3. The Hottest One of All

Sam and Ruby shared a lot during the course of their relationship, and it turned into so much more than sharing just demon blood. This particular scene was blazing hot and as much as we hated the idea of Sam getting it on with Ruby, we just couldn't turn away.

4. It's All There

Dean needed to make sure that he was intact after his visit to Hell, and we were treated to a glimpse of Dean's super abs! Yum!

5. Ride 'Em Cowboy

Anytime Sam and Dean don disguises, it's hot, but none were as hot as their wearing cowboy attire. Yeeha!

6. Love The Darkness

Dean set Amara free and the two were drawn to each other in unexplainable ways. Eventually, Dean helped her reunite with her brother and she left him one of the greatest gifts he ever received.

7. Shirtless Sam

We swoon anytime Sam is on screen, but when he's shirtless, oh my, our hearts (and heat) go into overdrive!

8. Doctors Sam and Dean

If Sam and Dean were real doctors, a lot of people would be calling in sick on a regular basis. Who wouldn't one of these hunks checking us over to make sure all was okay?

9. The New James Bond?

We don't think anyone would mind Dean Winchester taking a spin at being James Bond for a day or two. He's got everything he needs to be a good spy: an arsenal of cool weapons, the ability to get himself out of impossible jams, women clamoring for his attention, and most importantly: dashing good looks!

10. An Angelic Tryst

Out of all of Dean's many romances, his tryst with Anna was the sexiest of all. Not only did Anna get cozy with one of the Winchester brothers, but she got her groove on in the back of Dean's most precious possession.

11. Well, I Say

Not everyone can get away with wearing sunglasses at night, but when Sam and Dean do it, it's doubly delicious time. Sure, they were mocking some other cop show that shall not be named, but they need to do something to entertain themselves as they investigate suspicious cases nonstop!

12. Never Meant to Be

Jessica was the love of Sam's life and they shared many special moments together, including this one. Unfortunately, Jessica was brutally murdered in the same fashion as Mary Winchester leaving Sam with nothing but joining his brother in the family business.

13. Love of His Life

Dean had a relationship with Cassie long before he started hunting. They were hot together when they reunited, but Cassie wasn't able to accept Dean's life as a hunter.

14. Help!

All Dean wanted to do was get out of his clothes and relax. Unfortunately for him, his shirt didn't cooperate. Fortunately for us, we were given a few moments to drool over those sexy abs.

15. Contemplation

Our hearts skip a beat anytime these guys are wearing sunglasses. They are smoking hot all the time, but the heat goes up more than a few degrees when they look like this!

16. Wet Dreams

Okay, there's no reason for this one other than gratuitous drooling. Dean in the shower might have been one of the hottest moments of the series.

17. He's Adorable

Yes, Dean, we agree! You're the most adorable guy on television!

18. Workout Time

Sam used to take great pleasure in showing off his incredible body whether it was for workouts or some other reason. Now, he has the weight of the world on his shoulders with barely any time for fun. We miss the old days!

19. Hands Up!

We have to 'fess up. We wouldn't mind one bit if he had to arrest Sam, but what would we charge him with? Causing us to overdose on hotness?

20. Wink, Wink

Dean brings out all the charm whenever he's investigating a case. If he winked at us like that, we'd give him all he wanted and more!

21. Gettting Ready

Back before the bunker, there were just hotel rooms. Every once in a while the Winchester brothers would grace our screens with images like this one. Ahhh, the memories.

22. A Great Time

Dean got his groove on once again, and we got another looksie at those fabulous abs. What we wouldn't do to run our fingers through that hair!

23. Saying Goodbye

After Jessica, Sam seemed to be drawn to brunettes -- or maybe just any girl who could match his passionate kissing. Sarah was the first woman Sam had been with since Jessica's death, and we're sure their extended rendezvous was steaming hot!

24. Rock On!

Dean's taste in music is just one of his many attractive qualities. But when he gets his groove on by playing air guitar on the hood of his beloved Baby, it's a moment of pure bliss for us.

25. Bite Me, Please

Madison was one of our favorite characters, so we were sad when there was nothing Sam and Dean could do to save her. At least she was able to have some hot sex with Sam before he put her down!

26. Don't Leave Me Now

Sam shirtless and in bed is one thing, but when he's got that puppy dog look on his face, it's time to open the window and let some cool air in! Sam is the stuff of dreams!

27. Destiny Never Realized

Jo had been crushing on Dean forever, and it was a romance we would have liked to have seen develop, but it never came to pass. The end was near for Jo and while we cried at the outcome, our hearts swooned when Dean planted that kiss on her at the end. It was a tender and bittersweet moment.

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Supernatural Quotes

I'll keep fighting. I'll keep swinging til I got nothing left.


Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.
